For steel beams the Properties window has a SidePlate group within which an Apply SidePlate Connection check box can be selected for End 1 and End 2 of the beam.
When selected the following properties are displayed:
- Seismic Provision - depending on the head code, one of:
- Non-Seismic (ACI/AISC only)
- Seismic OMF
- Seismic IMF (ACI/AISC only)
- Seismic SMF
- Field Connection, (user option if Connection Type is Seismic SMF, otherwise fixed to Bolted)
- Datafile look up criteria (readonly)
- Use %Mp (if Connection Type is Non-Seismic)
- Use clear span (otherwise)
- Connection Status - one of
- Unknown (default)
- Pass
- Warning
- Not Applied
- Failure Reason - one of
- Unknown (default)
- Datafile Look Up Failed
- Geometric Compatibility
- Beam Element too short for Rigid Offset
- Column Element too short for Rigid Offset
- Sizing Status - one of
- Not Performed (default)
- Initial
- Final
- SidePlate size and other data set during the Initial Sizing Process, (Invisible if Sizing Status is Not Performed)
- DimA – the outstand distance required for the SidePlate connection
- DimB – the depth required for the SidePlate connection
- Tsp – the thickness of the SidePlates
- DimH – the length of the SidePlates
- %Mp- if calculated during initial sizing
- Clear span - if calculated during initial sizing
Note: These properties are for the start and end of the whole beam. Where a steel beam is multi-span it is not possible to apply SidePlate connections to the internal points.