Find errors

Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds Tekla Tedds for Word

Find errors

In a large calculation document, you can find errors easily by using the Go to Next/Previous Error button.


The following only applies to Tedds for Word.

Depending on whether you want to locate the next or the previous error, do one of the following.
  1. To locate the next error: in the Tools ribbon bar, click Next error.
  2. To locate the previous error: in the Tools ribbon bar, click the arrow on the right side of the Next error button, and select Previous error.

If an errors occur in hidden lines of the calculations, finding them with the Go to Next/Previous Error button is not possible. To view the error, do one of the following actions.

  • In the Show/Hide toolbar, select the Hidden Calcs box.
  • Go to File > Options, and in the Display settings, ensure that the Hidden text option is selected.

Some errors may seem impossible to find. In most cases, these kinds of invisible errors occur because of multiple accidental clicks on the subscript or superscript buttons.

If you simply cannot find the error, try deleting and re-typing the erroneous expression in the calculation document.

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