Upload content to Tekla Warehouse

Tekla Structures
Upraveno: 29 Zář 2024
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Upload content to Tekla Warehouse

You can upload content created in Tekla Structures to Tekla Warehouse collections, or share applications using Tekla Warehouse.

Before you upload content to Tekla Warehouse, create at least one collection. See Create a collection in Tekla Warehouse.

If you add content to a private collection, ensure that the private collection is shared with the intended users. See Share content privately in Tekla Warehouse.

Upload content from a Tekla Structures model

You can upload content, such as custom components, profiles, shapes, material grades, bolt assemblies, and reinforcements, from a Tekla Structures model.

To upload content from a Tekla Structures model, the Tekla Warehouse Service must be running on your computer.

  1. Start Tekla Structures and open the model from which you want to upload content to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. In a web browser, sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  3. Start the upload.
    1. Click Upload.
    2. In the Select action list, select the collection where you want to add content or create a new collection.
    3. Click Next.
  4. On the Content information page, enter information about the content, then click Next.

    You must enter a title and a description. Other information is optional.

    • You can create and add a thumbnail for the content.

    • We recommend that you select or enter search criteria that helps Tekla Warehouse users to search for and find your content.

    • You can enter support information, such as links to websites or email.

    • To allow only customers with a valid Tekla subscription or maintenance agreement to download the content, select Download requires Tekla maintenance.

  5. On the Add files page, click Add.
  6. In the dialog box that opens, select Files from Tekla Structures, then click Continue.
  7. Select the content to upload.
    1. Expand the content categories from which you want to upload content.
    2. Select the checkboxes next to the objects that you want to upload.
    3. Click Select.
  8. Enter or select the version and compatibility information.
  9. Add optional additional information.
    1. Add information about prerequisites and recommendations.

      For example, you can describe here if the content only works in certain Tekla Structures environments, or if the content requires other content items to be downloaded.

    2. To create a link to other related content, click Add link, then enter the link text and the URL.
  10. Finish the upload in one of the following ways:
    • To upload the content to a local or network collection, click Create.
    • To upload the content to an online collection click Publish.

The content is now available for Tekla Warehouse users to download.

If uploading content from a Tekla Structures model does not work as expected, try the troubleshooting steps described in About the Tekla Warehouse Service plugin.

Add files manually to a Tekla Warehouse collection

You can add files manually to share items such as model object property files, model templates, drawing layouts, drawing templates, cloning templates, and report templates.

Before you add a model template or cloning template to a Tekla Warehouse collection, compress the model template or cloning template folder into a .zip file.

For more information about the types of files that you can upload to Tekla Warehouse, see Files and file types for Tekla Warehouse content.

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Start the upload.
    1. Click Upload.
    2. In the Select action list, select the collection where you want to add content or create a new collection.
    3. Click Next.
  3. On the Content information page, enter information about the content, then click Next.

    You must enter a title and a description. Other information is optional.

    • You can create and add a thumbnail for the content.

    • We recommend that you select or enter search criteria that helps Tekla Warehouse users to search for and find your content.

    • You can enter support information, such as links to websites or email.

    • To allow only customers with a valid Tekla subscription or maintenance agreement to download the content, select Download requires Tekla maintenance.

  4. On the Add files page, click Add.
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select Files from disk, then click Continue.
  6. Select the files, then click Open.
  7. From the Type list, select a type for the file.
    • For model templates, select Model template.
    • For cloning templates, select Cloning template.
    • For all other file types, select General - to Model folder.
  8. Enter or select the version and compatibility information.
  9. Add additional optional information.
    1. Add information about prerequisites and recommendations.

      For example, you can describe here if the content only works in certain Tekla Structures environments, or if the content requires other content items to be downloaded.

    2. To create a link to other related content, click Add link, then enter the link text and the URL.
  10. Finish the upload in one of the following ways:
    • To upload the content to a local or network collection, click Create.
    • To upload the content to an online collection click Publish.

The content is now available for Tekla Warehouse users to download.

Upload applications to Tekla Warehouse

Applications are software that use Tekla Open API to interact with Tekla Structures, such as data integration links to design solutions.

For more information about developing applications for Tekla Structures, see:

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Start the upload.
    1. Click Upload.
    2. In the Select action list, select the collection where you want to add content or create a new collection.
    3. Click Next.
  3. On the Content information page, enter information about the content, then click Next.

    You must enter a title and a description. Other information is optional.

    • You can create and add a thumbnail for the content.

    • We recommend that you select or enter search criteria that helps Tekla Warehouse users to search for and find your content.

    • You can enter support information, such as links to websites or email.

    • To allow only customers with a valid Tekla subscription or maintenance agreement to download the content, select Download requires Tekla maintenance.

  4. On the Add files page, click Add.
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select Application, then click Continue.
  6. Select the files to upload, then click Open.

    You can upload the following types of files:

    • .msi

    • .tsep

    • .zip

  7. From the Platform list, select the platform:
    • 64-bit
    • 32-bit
    • Platform independent
  8. Enter or select the version and compatibility information.
  9. Add additional optional information.
    1. Add information about prerequisites and recommendations.

      For example, you can describe here if the content only works in certain Tekla Structures environments, or if the content requires other content items to be downloaded.

    2. To create a link to other related content, click Add link, then enter the link text and the URL.
  10. Finish the upload in one of the following ways:
    • To upload the content to a local or network collection, click Create.
    • To upload the content to an online collection click Publish.

The application is now available for Tekla Warehouse users to download.

Add a 3D product catalog in a Tekla Warehouse collection

3D model products are objects that have fixed geometry, such as embeds, formwork, or accessories. You must create the 3D objects using 3D modeling software before creating a 3D product catalog in Tekla Warehouse.

Tekla Structures shape files cannot be used in 3D product catalogs because the shapes are already converted into Tekla Structures objects.

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Start the upload.
    1. Click Upload.
    2. In the Select action list, select the collection where you want to add content or create a new collection.
    3. Click Next.
  3. On the Content information page, enter information about the content, then click Next.

    You must enter a title and a description. Other information is optional.

    • You can create and add a thumbnail for the content.

    • We recommend that you select or enter search criteria that helps Tekla Warehouse users to search for and find your content.

    • You can enter support information, such as links to websites or email.

    • To allow only customers with a valid Tekla subscription or maintenance agreement to download the content, select Download requires Tekla maintenance.

  4. On the Add files page, click Add.
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select 3D product catalog, then click Continue.
  6. To add products, click Add 3D product.

    You can add multiple products at the same time.

  7. For each 3D model product, define the properties and information.
    1. To define the product geometry file and to add the product to the catalog, in the Geometry file column, click Choose file. Select the file, then click Open.

      The geometry file name is shown as the shape name in the Shape catalog dialog box in Tekla Structures.

    2. To add a thumbnail for the product, in the Thumbnail bitmap column, click Choose file. Select the file, then click Open.

      The image must be in .bmp format.

    3. Enter a name, product code, product weight, weight unit, and material grade.

      The product name is shown as the item name in the property pane in Tekla Structures. The product code is shown as the component name in the Applications & components catalog.

    4. To include other properties or information about the products, enter a property name in the Attribute name box, then click Add custom attribute.

      A new column with the property name is added.

  8. Enter or select the version and compatibility information.
  9. Add additional optional information.
    • Add information about prerequisites and recommendations.

      For example, you can describe here if the content only works in certain Tekla Structures environments, or requires other content items to be downloaded.

    • To create a link to other related content, click Add link, then enter the link text and the URL.

  10. Finish the upload in one of the following ways:
    • To upload the content to a local or network collection, click Create.
    • To upload the content to an online collection click Publish.

The 3D product catalog is now available for Tekla Warehouse users to download.

When the upload is finished, verify that the 3D model products work as intended in Tekla Structures.

After inserting a 3D product catalog from Tekla Warehouse into a Tekla Structures model, the 3D model products of the catalog appear in the Applications & components catalog or in the Shape catalog in Tekla Structures.

Share files using a partner download link

A partner download link lets you share files from your company's website in Tekla Warehouse without uploading the files to Tekla Warehouse. You can share any type of individual files or send Tekla Warehouse users to your company's download website, where they can select the files to download.

Because the download happens on your company's website, your company can collect personal data about users according to your company's privacy policy and any data privacy legislation that is applicable in the region where the website is hosted.

If you add a partner download link to an existing content item, Tekla Warehouse users are no longer able to see any versions that you previously added to the content item. Tekla Warehouse administrators and users who have editing rights can still see all versions of the content item. We recommend that you make all versions of the file available on your company's website if you plan to use a partner download link.

You cannot delete partner download links after they have been created or published. You can change the URLs of partner download links if needed.

  1. Sign in to Tekla Warehouse.
  2. Start the upload.
    1. Click Upload.
    2. In the Select action list, select the collection where you want to add content or create a new collection.
    3. Click Next.
  3. On the Content information page, enter information about the content, then click Next.

    You must enter a title and a description. Other information is optional.

    • You can create and add a thumbnail for the content.

    • We recommend that you select or enter search criteria that helps Tekla Warehouse users to search for and find your content.

    • You can enter support information, such as links to websites or email.

    • To allow only customers with a valid Tekla subscription or maintenance agreement to download the content, select Download requires Tekla maintenance.

  4. On the Add files page, click Add.
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select Partner download link, then click Continue.
  6. In the text box, enter or paste the URL of the download website or the individual file.

    For example:

    • Download website: https://www.example.com/downloads

    • Individual file: https://www.example.com/downloads/software.zip

  7. Finish the adding the content in one of the following ways:
    • To add the content to a local or network collection, click Create.
    • To add the content to an online collection click Publish.

The partner download link is now available for Tekla Warehouse users.

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