Uninstall the Tekla on-premises license server

Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures

Uninstall the Tekla on-premises license server

Follow these instructions if you want to permanently remove the on-premises license server from your computer. If you are upgrading to a new version on the same computer, see Update the Tekla on-premises license server instead.

Uninstall on-premises license server

  1. In the Windows Services, stop the Tekla Licensing Service.
  2. On the Windows Start menu, open the Apps & features system settings.
  3. In the Apps & features list, select the Tekla license server.
  4. Click Uninstall.

    If the license server uninstallation fails, uninstall the license server manually.

Next, uninstall the Tekla License Borrow Tool and the Tekla License Administration Tool.

Uninstall an on-premises license server manually

Automatic Tekla license server installation can normally be uninstalled from the Control Panel.

If the automatic uninstallation cannot be performed, like in the case of manual installation, you need to uninstall the license server manually.

Before you start license server uninstallation, stop FlexNet licensing services and other licensing services.

To manually uninstall an on-premises license server:

  1. Make sure that all borrowed licenses are returned.
  2. Deactivate your licenses.
  3. On the Windows Start menu, go to Tekla Licensing > LMTOOLS.
  4. On to the Service/License File tab tab, select Configuration using Services, and ensure that Tekla Licensing Service is selected in the list.
  5. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click Stop Server to stop the license server.
  6. Go to the Config Services tab, ensure that Tekla Licensing Service is shown in the Service name box and then click Remove Service.
  7. At the command prompt, enter the following command: uninstallanchorservice.exe
  8. Uninstall Tekla license server from the Control Panel to complete the uninstallation.
The Tekla license server is uninstalled.

Uninstall the Tekla License Borrow Tool and the Tekla License Administration Tool.

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