Work with ToDos in Trimble Connector

Tekla Structures
Upraveno: 6 Pro 2022
Tekla Structures

Work with ToDos in Trimble Connector

The ToDo list in Trimble Connector displays the ToDo notes added to the project. You can add ToDo notes and reply to notes of other project members. The ToDo notes are shared to all project members by default, but you can select a user or a user group to whom you want to assign the ToDo with a due date when it needs to be resolved.

Open and view the ToDo list

You need to have a project linked to the current model to open to view or create ToDo notes.

  1. On the Trimble Connect ribbon tab, click ToDos.
  2. In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, do any of the following:
    • To sort the ToDo list according to different criteria, click one of the available columns.

      You can sort ToDo notes by Author, Assignee, Due date, Status, or Priority.

    • To search for specific ToDo notes, start typing a search word in the Search... field.

      Trimble Connector shows the ToDo notes that match you search.

    • To group ToDo notes, select the grouping option in the Group by list.

      The options are Author, Status, Priority, Type, Tag, Creation date, and Last modified date

  3. To close the ToDo list, click the Close button.

Create ToDo notes

  1. If you want to create a ToDo with a view and a snapshot, select the native Tekla Structures objects in the model view.
    When you create a ToDo with a view and a snapshot, note that:
    • The coordinate system follows what has been set in the Work plane handler toolbar.

    • We do not recommend creating a view of many objects at a time, because if you do so, creating the ToDo may take a long time.

    When you create a view, an IFC file of the selected native objects is created and uploaded to the project root\TeklaStructures-ToDos folder.

    You can also create ToDo notes without a view and a snapshot. To do so, do not select any objects in the Tekla Structures model view.

  2. In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, click the Create ToDo button.
  3. Type a Title and a Description for the ToDo note.

    The Title and the Description are mandatory. You cannot save a ToDo note without a title and a description.

  4. To assign the ToDo note to a user or a user group, click Select next to Assignee and select a project member or a user group.

    To filter the options that are shown, start typing the name of the user or the user group.

    ToDo notes can be assigned to other users when the project has been shared.

  5. If needed, do one or more of the following:
    • To add tags, type a tag in the Tags box and press Enter to save the tag.

      You can add several tags.

    • Select a priority for the ToDo note from the Priority list.
    • To set a due date for the ToDo note, type the due date in the Due Date box, or click to select the due date from the calendar.
    • To define the type of the ToDo, select an option from the Type list.
    • To define the status of the ToDo note, select an option from the Status list.
    • Type the completion percentage of the ToDo note in the Completion % box.
  6. To add an attachment, click Add attachment, and do one or both of the following:
    • Click and to browse for a file on your computer and add the file to the selected folder. Then, click OK.

    • Click to browse for a file on your computer and click Add from my computer. Then, attach the file to the current ToDo note and click OK.

    You can open an attachment by double-clicking it.

    The attachment opens the file if Windows has a file association for the file name extension. Model files are not opened.

    You can also delete attachments. To do so, click X on the right side of the attachment.

  7. To save the ToDo note, click Save.

The saved ToDo note is immediately synchronized to Trimble Connect. After the ToDo note has been uploaded to Trimble Connect, it receives a unique name consisting of the abbreviated project name and a running number.

In Trimble Connect, you can see the ToDo note on the ToDo and Activity tabs.

View and modify ToDo notes

  1. In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, double-click the ToDo note that you want to view.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Adjust the ToDo information according to your needs.

    For example, you can change the assignee, status, or completion percentage.

  4. To save the changes, click Save.

You can close the ToDo property pane by clicking the Close button.

Add comments to ToDo notes

Any user in the project can comment on any ToDo.

  1. In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, double-click the ToDo note that you want to comment.
  2. Scroll down until you see the Comments box.
  3. Type any comments about the ToDo note.
  4. If necessary, add an attachment by clicking and do one or both of the following:
    • Click and to browse for a file on your computer and add the file to the selected folder. Then, click OK.

    • Click to browse for a file on your computer and click Add from my computer. Then, attach the file to the current ToDo note and click OK.

  5. To save your comment, click Add comment.

Project administrators and ToDo creators can also delete comments by clicking Delete next to the Comments box.

You can close the ToDo property pane by clicking the Close button.

Create markups for ToDo notes

You can create ToDo markups in Trimble Connector and show the markups both in Tekla Structures and in Trimble Connect.

  1. To add markups in the current model, use the markup tools at the bottom of Trimble Connector:
    Button Action How to use

    Removes all clip planes from all model views.

    • At the bottom of Trimble Connector, click .

    Removes all markups from the model.

    • At the bottom of Trimble Connector, click .

    Creates a measurement markup.

    Measurement markups show the distance between two points.

    1. In the model, pick the points whose distance you want to see.

      You can pick points, edges or faces.

    2. Pick the point where you want to place the measurement.

    Creates a cloud markup.

    1. In the model, pick the center point of the cloud.

    2. Pick the position of the cloud edge.

    Tekla Structures creates the cloud perpendicular to the view plane defined by the center location you picked.

    Creates a line markup.

    1. In the model, pick the start point of the line.

      Note that the arrow is created at the start point.

    2. Pick the end point of the line.

    Creates a text markup that consists of:
    • text or a UDA or a report attribute

    • a leader line

    1. Type the text or prefix in the text box under the markup commands.

    2. Select a UDA or a report attribute from the list under the markup commands.

      In the image above, Approved by has been entered as text and UDA: Approved by has been selected from the list of available attributes.

    3. Pick the start point of the leader line.

    4. Pick the point where you want to add the text.

    To add more UDAs or report attributes in the list of available attributes, or to add new attributes to the Text markup attribute options list so that they would be available for selection, click the Maintain text markup attribute options button in the bottom-right corner.

    The Text markup attribute options dialog box opens:

    Here, you can:

    • Select the UDAs or report attributes that you want to add in the list of available attributes.
    • Add new attributes using the options at the top. You need to:
      1. Select if the attribute is UDA or Report.

      2. Select the attribute type (Integer, Double or String).

      3. Type a name for the attribute.

      4. To add an assembly attribute, select the Assembly check box.

      5. Click + to add the new attribute to the list.

    Creates a pencil markup, or a freehand markup.

    1. In the model, pick a start point for the markup.

    2. Move the mouse pointer to draw the shape that you want.

      Do not hold down the left mouse button.

    3. Pick the end point of the markup.

    Tekla Structures creates the markup perpendicular to the view plane defined by the start point you picked.

  2. Select the necessary model objects in the Tekla Structures model.
  3. Click the Create ToDo button.
  4. Enter the ToDo information.

    You need to enter at least a title and a description for the ToDo.

  5. Ensure that the ToDo is synchronized with Trimble Connect.

    You can click the Refresh the list button to manually upload the ToDo to Trimble Connect.

Assign ToDo notes

Once a project has been shared, ToDos can be assigned to other users. You can assign the ToDo only if you are the administrator of the project, or if you have created the ToDo. You can only assign ToDos created in Trimble Connector.

  • Set the priority, type and the status of the ToDo, if needed.
  • Click the Save button to save changes.
  1. In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, double-click the ToDo note that you want to assign.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click Select next to Assignee and select a project member or a user group.

    To filter the options that are shown, start typing the name of the user or the user group.

  4. To set a due date for the ToDo note, type the due date in the Due Date box, or click to select the due date from the calendar.
  5. If necessary, do any of the following:
    • Select a priority for the ToDo note from the Priority list.
    • To define the type of the ToDo, select an option from the Type list.
    • To define the status of the ToDo note, select an option from the Status list.
  6. To save the changes, click Save.

You can close the ToDo property pane by clicking the Close button.

Adjust the ToDo view settings

  1. In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, click the Settings button.
  2. Select the Double-click the ToDo view settings to use:
    • Adjusts camera and view projection: This option is needed if you do not want the snapshot view to change because of coordinate system difference, for example, to keep the current view untouched. If you select this option, the view projection will also change if the Tekla Structures view projection differs from the ToDo note snapshot view projection.
    • Removes and adds clip planes: Clip planes in the Tekla Structures view are removed, and clip planes in the ToDo view are added to the Tekla Structures view. This option can only be used available if the Adjusts camera and view projection option is selected.
    • Selects objects: This option selects the Tekla Structures native object if the corresponding object has been selected in the ToDo view. If the coordinate systems differ, it is possible to select objects and zoom to the selected objects.

    These settings affect the snapshot view in ToDo notes.

  3. To close the settings pane, click the Close button.

Synchronize ToDo notes

If another project member creates or comments on ToDo notes, the ToDos are automatically synchronized. Alternatively, you can upload ToDo changes manually:

In the Trimble Connect - ToDos dialog box, click the Refresh the list button.
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