Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Category in Advanced options dialog box

File Locations

Use this advanced option to exclude attribute files or reports from the user interface. For this advanced option control strings are given for controlling the access to attribute files or reports. If a control string is present anywhere in a filename of an attribute file or a report, the file or report becomes unavailable. Several control strings can be entered, and the values are case sensitive. Use semicolon (;) as a separator.

The default value is TS_Report_Inquire;dgn_attribute_info;import_revision

  • Enter the file name or a part of the file name that you want to exclude from the user interface as the value for the advanced option. For example, setting the advanced option to _eng;_det removes all the attribute files that include the string _eng or _det in their name from the user interface.

  • Enter the name or a part of the name of the report you want to exclude from the Create report dialog box. For example, setting the advanced option to _Part hides the report ts_Report_Inquire_Part.rpt in the dialog box.



This advanced option is role specific. When the type SYSTEM(ROLE) is in use, the default value is used. When the type MODEL(ROLE) or DRAWING(ROLE) is in use, you can change the value, which is then the same for all users in the current model.

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