Typical initialization files (.ini files) and their reading order

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Typical initialization files (.ini files) and their reading order

Below is a list of all the typical initialization files that are read when Tekla Structures is started. The numbers indicate their reading order at startup. If there are conflicting settings, the ones read later override the ones read earlier.


Changing an advanced option value in .ini files located outside the model folder does not affect the existing models. You can only update advanced options in the Advanced Options dialog box or in the options.ini file located in model folder; not from an options.ini file located in folders defined for the advanced options XS_​FIRM or XS_​PROJECT. The .ini files are read also when you open an existing model, but only new advanced options that do not exist in options_model.db or options_drawings.db are inserted, for example, such options that are not yet in the Advanced Options dialog box but have been added in the software.


When you define a switch for an advanced options in an .ini file, you need to use double percent signs around the switch %%xxx%%. When you define a switch in the Advanced options dialog box, you only use single percent signs around the switch %xxx% . For example, type %%BOLT_NUMBER%%*D%%HOLE.DIAMETER%% for the advanced option XS_​BOLT_​MARK_​STRING_​FOR_​SIZE when you define it in an .ini file.

To check the files that have been read and their reading order, go to File menu > Logs > Session history log.

File and reading order


1. fonts_<lang>.ini

This file is optional, and it is only needed for languages using special characters. One example is the fonts_jpn.ini file for the Japanese language.

This file is read from Tekla Structures\<version>\bin\ if it is available. It is installed to the ..\bin folder when Tekla Structures is installed.

NOTE: Do not change these settings.

2. teklastructures.ini

The file teklastructures.ini starts Tekla Structures. It is read from ..\Program Files\Tekla Structures\<version>\bin\.

This file contains basic system settings, such as the location of software and environment files. This file is installed to the ..\bin folder when Tekla Structures is installed. It is always read at Tekla Structures startup.

NOTE: Do not change these settings.

3. lang_<lang>.ini

This file contains the language settings. It is read from ..\Program Files\Tekla Structures\<version>\bin\.

This file is installed to the ..\bin folder when Tekla Structures is installed.

Which lang_<lang>.ini files exist in the ..\bin folder depends on which languages you have selected to install during the software installation.

The language that is read depends on the language you have selected in File menu > Settings > Change language in the previous Tekla Structures session.

NOTE: Do not change these settings.

4. env_global_default.ini

This file is used as a default for all environments and contains the global settings. The settings in the env_global_default.ini file provide the basics for all environment settings globally. The settings in this file can be localized and specified differently in an environment-specific initialization file that is read later than this file.

This file is always read at Tekla Structures startup from ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\common\ and is installed there from the common environment installation package.

NOTE: Do not change these settings.

5. All .ini files defined in shortcut/command line with -I <name>.ini

Usually none.

6. env_<environment>.ini

The env_<environment>.ini files contain all the advanced options that have environment-specific settings. They are read from the environment folder ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\. The exact location may vary depending on your environment.

The env_<environment>.ini files that exist on your computer depends on which environment packages you have installed. Which env_<environment>.ini file is read depends on the environment that you select in the Tekla Structures startup dialog box.

NOTE: Do not change these settings.

7. role_<role>.ini

The role_<role>.ini files contain all the advanced options that have typical role-specific settings. They are read from the environment folder ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\. The exact location may vary depending on your environment.

The available roles depend on the environments you have installed.

You can select the role in the Tekla Structures startup dialog box.

For example, this file defines that the US environment imperial role uses imperial units, shows the fractions correctly, and understands input as imperial. In US environment metric role metric units are used.

NOTE: Do not change these settings.

8. All .ini files defined in shortcut/command line with -i <name>.ini

Usually none.

9. company.ini

The company.ini file is useful especially for big companies that want to unify certain enterprise-level settings. This file is read from a folder specified with the advanced option XS_​COMPANY_​SETTINGS_​DIRECTORY. This file is read only if the advanced option XS_COMPANY_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY is set.

This file is created by the system administrator when necessary, it is not created by the installation.

10. user.ini

The user.ini file is where you can save your personal user settings.

This file is located in the same location as the user-specific options.bin file, for example, C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\UserSettings.

The user.ini is created in the above mentioned location when you start Tekla Structures for the first time and create and save a model using the current version. It is read when you start Tekla Structures.

The changes you make in the advanced options in the Advanced Options dialog box override the settings in all other initialization files, if the advanced option exists in both locations.

If user.ini has system options they are read always when Tekla Structures is opened.

If user.ini has model-specific options they are used when new model is created.

If user.ini has user-specific options they are used when Tekla Structures is used for the first time.

11. options.ini in system folder

The folder is specified with the advanced option XS_​SYSTEM.

12. options.ini, firm-specific, if any exist

13. options.ini, project-specific, if any exist

The option.ini files containing firm- or project-specific model settings are saved in and read from user-defined locations specified with the advanced options XS_​FIRM and XS_​PROJECT. They work in the specified way for the firm in question, or for the specified project if the model has been set up to read settings from these locations, and if the user has manually moved the options.ini file to these locations. An options.ini is created in the firm or project folder when you copy or move it there.

Updating of model-specific and user-specific advanced options can only be done from the Advanced Options dialog box or options.ini located in model folder, not from the firm- or project-specific options.ini files.

The options.ini in the firm or project folder is read when you start Tekla Structures or open the model.

14. options.ini, model-specific

The options.ini in the model folder.

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