Manage users in Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Manage users in Tekla Model Sharing

Users with the Owner role in a shared model can manage the users in that model in several ways. Among other options, owners can invite new users, change user roles and permissions, send email notifications, and remove users.

Invite new users to a shared model

  1. Open the shared model to which you want to invite new users.
  2. On the File menu, click Sharing > Users.
  3. In the Users dialog box, type the email addresses of new users in the Invite users box, and set their user roles to either Editor, Owner, Project viewer, or Viewer.

    You can add several users at one go. Separate the email addresses with semicolons. Do not use spaces between the email addresses.

    If you add several users at one go, they all get the same user role. The roles can be changed later.

  4. Click the Add button to add the new users to the model.
  5. If necessary, modify the user roles of the new users.
  6. Select the Send email notification to user. check box to send a notification email to the invited users, and write a message to the users.
  7. Click Save changes to invite the users.

View information on users and sharing action

When you want to check the Tekla Model Sharing users and the basic sharing actions on the model, or invite new users to the shared model, open the Users dialog box in File > Sharing > Users.

Option Description


Name of the user.


Email address of the user.


Role of the user: Owner, Editor, Project viewer, or Viewer.

When you start to share a model, you become the Owner of the model and you can set other users' roles. The roles can be changed later, if needed.

Use the different roles to control the permissions of users regarding the shared model.

Note that there can be more than one Owner within one model.


Indicates whether the invited user has joined the model.


Date when the user has joined the model.


Person who invited the user or changed the user role the last.

Last read in

Date when the user last read in.

Number with the arrow down indicates the total number of update packets available in the sharing service.

The number next to the arrow indicates how many of the packets the user has read in.

Last write out

Date when the user last wrote out.

Number with the arrow up indicates the total number of update packets available in the sharing service.

The number next to the arrow indicates the number of the last packet that the user has written out.

Remove the selected user's permissions to the model.

Only users with the Owner role can remove other users from the sharing service.

Modify user roles in Tekla Model Sharing

User roles define a user's permissions to view and modify the shared model. There are four different user roles in Tekla Model Sharing: Owner, Editor, Project viewer, and Viewer. When you start sharing your model in Tekla Model Sharing, you become the Owner of the model. The Owner can invite other users to join in the model and give them one of the four roles.

The permissions of the four different user roles are described in the table below:

Role Permissions


Users with the Owner role can:

  • Read in other users' changes and write out their own changes to the sharing service

  • Invite new users

  • List other users and change their roles

  • Remove users from the model

  • Remove the model instance and all the model related data from the sharing service

  • Change the model code and description properties

Several users can have the Owner role within one model. The Owner who has started to share the model can give the Owner role to any selected user.


Users with the Editor role can:

  • Read in other users' changes and write out their own changes to the sharing service

  • Edit the model

  • List other users

Project viewer

Users with the Project viewer role can:

  • Read in other users' changes and write out their own changes to the sharing service

  • View the model, but they cannot modify the model objects

  • List other users

Users with the Project viewer role cannot:

  • Modify user-defined attributes that affect numbering

  • Insert and modify grids

  • Import and update models that would create beams and other objects

Note that when you open the model in the Project viewer role, restarting Tekla Structures is required.

The permissions of the Project viewer role in a shared model correspond with the set of functionalities available in the Tekla Structures Carbon configuration.


Users with the Viewer role can:

  • Read in other users' changes

  • View the model

Users with the Viewer role cannot:

  • Write out any changes to the sharing service

  • Modify the model objects

  • Use the export commands

Note that when you open the model in the Viewer role, restarting Tekla Structures is required.

Note that your permission to access the shared model is removed when you detach the model from the sharing using one the following methods:

A user with the Owner role can change the role of a user as follows:

  1. Open the shared model whose user roles you want to modify.
  2. On the File menu, click Sharing > Users.
  3. In the Users dialog box, select the user whose role you want to modify.
  4. Click the arrow in the Role column, and select a new role for the user in the list.
  5. If you want to send an email notification to the user whose role has been changed, select the Send email notification to user. check box.
  6. If needed, write a short message that you want to attach to the email notification.

    If you include a message, all the invited users and the user whose role has been changed receive the same message.

  7. Click Save changes.

Remove users from a shared model

Users with the Owner role can remove unnecessary users from a shared model.

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Users.
  2. In the Users dialog box, select the user that you want to delete.
  3. Click the button to remove the user's permissions to access and modify the model.

    If you clicked the button accidentally, you can click the button again to cancel removing the user's permissions.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all users that you want to remove from the model.
  5. Click Save changes to remove the users from the model.

Export and import users

Users with the Owner role can export the list of users in the current shared model to make changes to users' roles and permissions, or to add the same users into another shared model.

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Users.
  2. At the bottom of the Users dialog box, click Export users.

    The list of users is saved in the users.csv file in the \ModelSharing sub-folder under the model folder. The format of the list is <email address>;<role>.

  3. According to your needs, do any of the following:


    Do this

    Change users' roles and permissions in the current model

    1. Open the users.csv file.

    2. Change user roles according to your needs, or remove users' permissions by setting their roles to NONE.

    3. Save and close the users.csv file.

    4. Go back to the shared model.

    5. To apply the changes, at the bottom of the Users dialog box, click Import users.

    6. Select the users.csv file.

    7. Click Open.

      The changes made in the users.csv are now updated to the current list of users.

    8. To save the user changes to the current model, click Save changes.

    Copy users to another shared model

    1. Close the current model, and open another shared model.

    2. On the File menu, click Sharing > Users.

    3. At the bottom of the Users dialog box, click Import users.

    4. Find and select the previous model's users.csv file.

      By default, the users.csv file is saved in the \ModelSharing sub-folder under the model folder.

    5. Click Open.

      The users in the users.csv file are added to the current model with the roles defined in that file.

    6. To save the user changes, click Save changes.

Send email notifications

Users with the Owner role can send messages to other model users via email at any point.

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Users.
  2. In the Users dialog box, select the Send email notification to user. check box.
  3. In the message box below the Send email notification to user. check box, type the notification text.
  4. According to your needs, do any of the following:
    • To send the notification to particular users, select the users in the list of model users.

      You can hold down Shift to select a range of users, or Control to select multiple users.

    • To send the message to all users, ensure that no users are selected in the list of model users.

  5. Click Send.
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