Work with model objects in Tekla Structures

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Work with model objects in Tekla Structures

When you model in Tekla Structures, you create and work with different types of model objects. In most cases, a model object represents a building object that will exist in the real building or structure, or that will be closely related to it. A model object can also be a modeling aid that represents information that is only relevant when you are creating the model. Model objects are either created in the model or imported to it.

You can create different types of model objects, such as parts and items, bolts, reinforcement, and cuts, by using the commands on the ribbon.

Some ribbon commands have a keyboard shortcut that speed up your modeling work. You can customize the keyboard shortcuts and assign your own shortcuts for the most used commands.

Alternatively, you can use Quick Launch or the property pane to start many of the commands that create model objects.

After you have created the model objects, you can view and modify the model object properties by using the property pane.

Examples of model objects

Examples of model objects include:

Model objects may also be created by components.

To resize and reshape model objects, use the direct modification handles.

The following modeling aids can be used in the model:

You can combine model objects to bigger entities by creating assemblies, cast units, and pour units.

You can manage model objects by using object groups, Organizer, and other planning tools.

Create or delete a model object

  1. Run a command that creates a model object, such as a part.
    • On the ribbon: click a command. For example, click to create a steel beam.

    • By using Quick Launch: enter a search term. For example, type steel beam to find the Create steel beam command.

    • In the property pane: ensure that you have nothing selected in the model. Click the Object type list button and select from the list the object you want to create.

  2. Pick points to place the model object in the model.

    Tekla Structures creates the model object using the current properties of the object type.

  3. Follow the status bar messages to get instructions on how to proceed.
  4. To create more model objects with the same properties, pick more points.

    The command runs until you end it or start another command.

  5. If you want to delete a model object, select the object and press Delete.
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