When you create single-part, assembly or
cast-unit drawings, remember to load the closest possible predefined properties in the
drawing properties first, then modify the properties if needed, and then create the drawing.
Your environment contains some predefined properties and there are also some in the default
cast unit drawings, ensure that you are using the correct cast unit type, because
some functionalities, for example numbering, are based on the cast unit type. Cast
units have the cast unit type part property setting in the model - they are set
either Cast in place or Precast. In the Cast in Place configuration, you can create cast unit drawings of cast-in-place cast units
To create drawings:
On the
Drawings & reports tab, click
Drawing properties and select the drawing type.
In the drawing properties dialog box, load the appropriate predefined drawing properties (saved settings).
Always load predefined properties when you are creating a drawing. When you
need to modify drawing properties, save the changes to a new properties file
for future use.
Ensure that for cast unit drawings, you use a property file that contains the desired
Cast unit definition method:
By cast unit position: A drawing will be created from each cast unit. If there are identical cast units, one of them will serve as the base cast unit for the drawing. This is the most common method for creating cast unit drawings.
By cast unit ID: Each part in the model includes a unique GUID. You can create drawings by using cast unit GUIDs. The GUID determines the marking of the drawing. You can create several drawings from identical cast units.
Click View creation in the options tree on the left and do the following:
Select the view and the properties that you want to change, click View properties, and modify the view properties including view, building object, dimensioning
and mark settings and apply detailed object-level settings.
Save to save the view properties.
Close to return to drawing properties.
Save the drawing properties you loaded earlier.
Apply or
Select the objects, or use an appropriate selection filter to select the objects you want to create drawings from and select the entire model.
Activate only the Select parts switch on the Selecting toolbar when selecting parts. Otherwise selection could take a long time
in large models.
Do one of the following:
On the Drawings & reports tab, click
Create drawings and select the drawing
you selected individual objects, you can right-click and select the
appropriate drawing creation command. The available commands depend
on the type of objects you have selected in the model.
If you selected individual objects, you can also create drawings by
clicking the Open or create drawings button in the contextual toolbar, and selecting Create single-part drawing, Create assembly drawing, or Create cast unit drawing. The available commands depend on the type of objects you have
selected in the model. Note that you cannot create GA drawings from
the contextual toolbar.
Number the model if you are prompted to do so.