You can activate Tekla Structures licenses in Tekla Structures License Administration Tool. In activation, the license server at your company contacts the activation server at Trimble Solutions using an Internet connection. You can notify the license server manually of license changes. Before the activation can be done, the entitlement certificate needs to be opened.
Note: Do not use automatic notification if you are using some other FlexNet license and license server administration tool, such as FlexNet Manager.
To activate the licenses and notify the server manually:
- Go to through the Start menu or Start screen , depending on your Windows operating system.
- Open the license entitlement certificate located in the ..\TeklaStructures\License\Server folder by clicking Open , navigating to ..\TeklaStructures\License\Server , selecting EntitlementCertificate.html , and clicking Open again. The license information is displayed in the Entitled Licenses area.
- Click the Activate cell and select the number of licenses to activate.
- Click the Activate button.
Your license server contacts the license activation server at Trimble Solutions.
- Next, you need to notify the server. This has to be done each time you activate a license.
- Go to through the Start menu or Start screen , depending on your Windows operating system.
- On the Service/License File tab, ensure that Configuration using services and Tekla Structures Licensing Service are selected.
- In the LMTOOLS dialog box, go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab.
- Click ReRead License File.
The license server reads the license information.
The activated licenses are displayed in the Activated Licenses area.
Do not forget to take a backup copy of the trusted storage of the activated licenses.
When you open Tekla Structures License Administration Tool , it detects expired and broken licenses you may have and asks if you want to repair or deactivate them. If you select Yes , an automatic deactivation or repair is run.