View total loads and reactions, notional forces and minimum lateral loads from the project workspace
You can view the applied and decomposed loads, notional forces, minimum lateral loads that apply to a particular load combination or loadcase from the project workspace.
View the load status of a loadcase or combination
How load status is determined
For each loadcase the General section in the Properties window provides summations (in global X, Y & Z) of the different load types applied to the structure, from these the total applied load is determined. The total reaction from the 3D Analysis result is also reported in this section.
Assuming a 3D analysis, FE chasedown analysis and grillage chasedown analysis have all been performed:
- The Total User Applied Load should equate to the Total Load on Structure.
- The Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for 3D analysis reported in the General section.
- The Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for FE chasedown analysis reported in the FE ChaseDown section.
- For each sub-model in the FE ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
- The Total Load on Structure should equate to the Total Reaction for Grillage chasedown analysis reported in the Grillage ChaseDown section.
- For each sub-model in the Grillage ChaseDown section the Load Applied when added to the Load from above should equate to the Reaction
View the magnitude of minimum lateral loads
Note: Minimum lateral loads are only
displayed if they have been activated in Model Settings
In the Project Workspace, go to the
Loading tab.
- In the Project Workspace, select the required Min Lateral Load loadcase.
- The magnitude of the load is listed under Nodal Loads in the Properties window.
View the magnitude of notional forces
Note: The notional forces are calculated according to the Global Imperfections
settings in Model Settings.
In the Project Workspace, go to the
Loading tab.
- In the Project Workspace, select the required loadcase or combination.
- The magnitude of the notional forces are listed under Total NHF Dir 1 and Total NHF Dir 2 in the Properties window.