Manage stock quantities to be maintained

Tekla PowerFab
Upraveno: 8 Bře 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Manage stock quantities to be maintained

In the Stock/Reorder dialog box, you can add, modify, and delete stock quantities that should always be maintained in inventory. This way, Tekla PowerFab can alert you when you need to reorder items.

To access the Stock/Reorder dialog box, do the following:
  • At the top of the Inventory dialog box, click Stock/Reorder.

The Stock/Reorder dialog box opens, displaying previously created records.

The items in the Stock/Reorder dialog box are color-coded:
  • Green items are equal or above the required stock quantity.
  • Yellow items are below the required stock quantity.
  • Red items are below both the required stock quantity and the required reorder quantity.

Add a new stock record

  1. At the bottom of the Stock/Reorder dialog box, click Add New Record.

    The Stock/Reorder - Add dialog box opens.

  2. Select the shape, dimensions, grade, and length to be ordered.
  3. If necessary, in the Location list, select the location where the items will be stored.

    Note that if you select a location, the record only applies to the quantities of items in the assigned location.

  4. In the Stock Qty field, enter the stock quantity that should be maintained.
  5. In the Reorder Qty, enter the quantity at which Tekla PowerFab prompts you to reorder the item.
  6. Click Add.

The Stock/Reorder - Add dialog box closes, and the new record is added to the list in the Stock/Reorder dialog box.

Modify stock records

  1. In the list in the Stock/Reorder dialog box, click the record that you want to modify.

    To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl.

    To select a range of subsequent items, hold down Shift.

  2. Modify the values in the Stock Qty and Reorder Qty fields according to your needs.
  3. Click Save.

Delete stock records

  1. In the list in the Stock/Reorder dialog box, click the record that you want to delete.

    To select multiple items, hold down Ctrl.

    To select a range of subsequent items, hold down Shift.

  2. Click Delete Selected.
  3. To permanently delete the record, click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
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