View the project schedule in Tekla PowerFab Go

Tekla PowerFab
Upraveno: 5 Zář 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

View the project schedule in Tekla PowerFab Go

In Tekla PowerFab Go, you can view the current schedule of a project.

Note: Project schedules can only be modified in the Tekla PowerFab desktop application.
  1. On the Tekla PowerFab Go home page, tap Projects.
  2. Tap Open Project.
  3. Tap the file menu button in the upper-left corner.
  4. On the menu, select project schedule.

    The project schedule opens.

  5. To change which information is viewed in the project schedule, do any of the following:
    • To change the scale with which the project schedule is viewed, select an option above the project schedule, and tap Show it! to update the project schedule.
    • To collapse or expand the tasks in the project schedule, in the Rows section, tap the available buttons to collapse or expand the rows.
    • To change which properties are shown in the project schedule, in the Columns section, select or clear checkboxes next to the properties that you want to see or do not want to see.
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