Manage cut lists in Tekla PowerFab Go

Tekla PowerFab
Upraveno: 5 Zář 2024
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Manage cut lists in Tekla PowerFab Go

In Tekla PowerFab Go, you can both view the cut lists saved for a job in Tekla PowerFab, swap cut list items, and cut the items that have not yet been processed.

For instructions on cut list Tekla PowerFab desktop application, see Manage cut lists

  1. To view or modify cut lists for a specific job, on the homepage, tap Projects.
  2. Scroll to the job whose cut lists you want to view and modify and tap Open Project.
  3. To view cut lists, at the top of the page, tap Prepared Cut Lists.

    The Cut Lists view opens.

    To customize the view, tap the settings icon .

    Selecting the rightmost checkbox displays the column in the view and selecting the leftmost checkbox adds a color to the column.

    Note: You can see only cut lists that have been saved for the current job in the Tekla PowerFab desktop application.

    You can narrow down the view using the filter.

  4. To view the details of a particular cut list, tap the name in the Description column and the view details icon .

Modify a cut list

You need to have the appropriate rights selected for cut lists in Tekla PowerFab desktop application to be able to modify the properties. See Manage Tekla PowerFab remote user permissions.
  1. At the end of the cut list line, tap the edit button .

    The properties view opens.

  2. Modify the properties as needed.

Modify multiple cut lists

You can modify the properties of multiple cut lists at once.

You need to have the appropriate rights selected for cut lists in Tekla PowerFab desktop application to be able to modify the properties. See Manage Tekla PowerFab remote user permissions.
  1. In the Cut Lists view, tap to select the cut lists that you want to modify.

    To select all cut lists, tap Select All.

    You can unselect one item by tapping it and all items by tapping .

  2. Tap Edit.

    The Edit view opens.

  3. Modify the properties.

    In Date required, you can either select a date in the calendar or type the number of days you want move the date forward or backward (+/-).

  4. Tap Apply.

You return to the Cut Lists view. The selected properties have changed.

Swap a cut list item

Before cutting a cut list item, it is possible to select an alternative from the inventory, if the original item is not available.

Items with no combining details of different lengths are available along with all inventory items that are the same length. Items of different length that have combining details are not available for selection. Once you have chosen, the new bar length is displayed as the material to cut in Tekla PowerFab and Tekla PowerFab Go.

  1. In the Cut Lists view, select the item that you want to replace.
  2. Tap Swap Material.

    The Swap Material view opens.

    Item to swap: The allocated bar on the cut list

    : Search field for narrowing down the list of suitable alternatives

    Swap with: List of all suitable alternatives

    Use grade substitutions: When selected, the list of suitable alternatives also includes items of a higher grade, defined in Maintenance > Shapes/Grades/Sizes for the given shape.

  3. Select the item to swap with.

    Check the quantity to swap in Qty to swap.

  4. Tap Swap Material.

    You return to the Cut Lists view, which shows the new bar or sheet.

Tip: You can also start a swap in the Pick List view by tapping the view details icon.

Process cut list items

Note: You can process only items that have the status Ready.
  1. In the Cut Lists view, select the item that you want to cut.
  2. Tap .

    The details of the cut list are shown.

  3. Tap Process.
  4. Modify the quantity of pieces to be cut, the drop length, and the inventory locations according to your needs.
  5. Depending on your settings in the Tekla PowerFab desktop application, you have different options. For example:
    • Tap the Drop must be reserved for project list and select the job for which you want to reserve the drop material.

      Depending on the company standard settings set by your administrator, you might or might not be able to select another job in the Drop must be reserved for project list.

  6. To start the timer, define the properties for Operator and tap Start.
  7. Tap Cut it!.
  8. To confirm cutting the item, tap Confirm!

When the item is cut, the background of the item turns green in the cut list view. The status and cutting date and time are updated.

You can continue cutting other items.

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