Define company standard settings for Project Management

Tekla PowerFab
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Define company standard settings for Project Management

In the Project Company Standards dialog box, you can create settings that become the company default settings that are used for new project management jobs. If necessary, you can change the settings job by job.

  1. Click the Maintenance ribbon tab.
  2. On the menu, select Project Management > Company Standards.
  3. In the Project Company Standards dialog box, adjust the following settings according to your needs:



    Job # Increment

    Allows you to select the default option for automatic job numbering. The options are:
    • Increment from Last Job #:

      When you create a new job, Tekla EPM uses the next available job number after the latest job number created.

    • Increment from Largest Job #: Tekla EPM uses the next available job number after the largest job number created.

    • Don't Increment: Automatic job numbering is not used.

    Drawing Number Input Type

    Allows you to select the input format for drawing numbers.

    Drawing File Prefix

    By default, Tekla EPM expects that the names of drawing files match the drawing numbers. The Drawing File Prefix option allows you to determine the prefix that appears in the names of all drawing files that are imported.

    Determining a drawing file prefix is optional. However, the drawing file prefix can help you to ensure that the correct files are imported from the selected folder.

    For example, drawing files might consist of the job number followed by a dash and the drawing number. In this case, drawing 100 could be named C12345-100.pdf. In consequence, the drawing file prefix would be C12345-.

    If the drawing file prefix varies, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if the prefix of some drawing files that you want to import was not C12345, you could set the drawing file prefix to *-.

    Type the acceptable prefix in the Drawing File Prefix field.

    Drawing File Suffix

    By default, Tekla EPM expects that the names of drawing files match the drawing numbers. The Drawing File Suffix option allows you to determine the suffix that appears in the names of all drawing files that are imported.

    Determining a drawing file suffix is optional. However, the drawing file suffix can help you to ensure that the correct files are imported from the selected folder.

    For example, drawing files might include a revision number after the drawing number. In this case, the file name of the first revision of drawing 100 could be C12345-100-r1.pdf. In consequence, the drawing file suffix would be -r1.

    If the drawing file suffix varies, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. For example, if some drawing files had different revision numbers, you could set the drawing file suffix to -r*.

    Type the acceptable suffix in the Drawing File Suffix field.

    Transmittal Recipients Available

    Allows you to select which companies can be selected as transmittal recipients.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Transmittal Recipients Available list and select an option.

    Transmittal Recipient Selection

    Allows you to select which information is displayed for the companies in the Recipient list.

    Click the arrow on the right side of the Transmittal Recipient Selection list and select either the firm code or the firm name.

    Keep Job Selection Screen Open

    When selected, the Select Project Management Job dialog box stays open after a job has been opened. Otherwise, the selection screen closes when you open a job.

    Update Production Control Approval Status

    When selected, the approval statuses of shop drawings that are used in Production Control are automatically updated.

    Resources - Use Period Ending Date

    When selected, the date that is shown in production schedules for resources is the last date of a period. This option only applies when the scale of the schedule is set to week or month. For example, February 2019 would be shown as 2/28/2019 in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

    When cleared, the date that is shown is the first date of a period. In this case, February 2019 would be shown as 2/1/2019 in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

    For more information, see Modify resource capacity.

    Job # Regular Expression

    Allows the use of regular expressions to enforce a desired format for the job numbers.

    For more detailed instructions on job number regular expressions, click Regular Expression Help.

  4. Click Save to update the company standard settings.
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