View and modify shipping information
In Tekla EPM Go, you can view the shipped and unshipped loads in a job, add loads, modify the material items on loads, create and view bill of lading reports, ship loads, and return shipped items.
The loads that have been shipped to the current destination are shown.
To view loads that have not yet been shipped or that have been returned, tap the Show unshipped loads button. To hide these loads, tap the Hide unshipped loads button.
Add a load
- Tap the Show unshipped loads button.
- Tap the Add button.
- Type the load number, trailer number, carrier, and load capacity.
- If the load has an intermediate shipping location and needs to be returned to the jobsite, select the To Be Returned check box.
- Tap Add Load.
- Tap Confirm.
The load is added to the list of unshipped loads. You can now add material items to the load.
Add items to a load
Ship a load
You cannot ship a load that does not have any material items added to it.
- In the list of unshipped loads, scroll to find the load that you want to ship.
- Tap Ship!
- To ship the load, tap Confirm.
View or print the bill of lading
Cancel shipping a load
If you need to modify a load that has already been marked as shipped, you can cancel shipping the load.
- Scroll to find the load whose shipping you want to cancel.
- Tap the Un-Ship! button.
- To cancel shipping the load, tap Confirm.
Return shipped items
Use the Return command to return items that have been shipped to an intermediate destination and will later be added to another load. When you return the items, you can load the items on another load to with other items located in the shop.
The selected number of pieces can now be added to another load.
If you need to cancel returning an item, tap the Un-Return button and type the quantity of pieces whose returning you want to cancel.