Create, modify, and delete production codes

Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO

Create, modify, and delete production codes

Use production codes to group similar items together within estimating jobs. If necessary, you can then override the man hours of all items that production code. Production codes also allow you to link estimating items to production control job items. This way, the Production Control module can use estimate information, such as man hours, and you can view project details and parts easily.

Production codes can be as broad or as specific as you like. For example, you can use one production code for the entire estimating job to add the labor estimates to the production control job. The man hours will then be calculated based on all work that must be done for the entire job. However, you can also set every piece mark to have its own production code, so that man hours in the estimating job and in the production control job match for each item.

To access the Production Codes dialog box, do the following:

  1. In the Estimating dialog box, click the Estimating ribbon tab.

  2. On the menu, select Production Codes.

The Production Codes dialog box opens.

You can filter the production codes that are displayed by selecting an option in the Show Production Codes list at the top of the dialog box. The options are:
  • Global: production codes that can be used in all jobs in both Production Control and Estimating.

  • Estimate-Specific: production codes that can only be used within a specific estimating job and the linked production control job. These are the production codes that you can create in the current dialog box.

  • In Use: production codes that are used.

You can also create a report that lists all production codes used in an estimating job. The report is called Production Code Summary. For more information on creating reports, see View, email, export, and print estimating reports.

According to your needs, see any of the following instructions:

Create a production code

Note that you can only create production codes for the current estimating job in the Production Codes dialog box. Globally available production codes are created in Global Production Code Maintenance.

  1. At the bottom of the dialog box, click New.
  2. Name the production code and type a description.
  3. Do any of the following:


    Do this

    Use the estimated labor times of items within the production code in Production Control

    The man hours associated with the production codes are only used in Production Control. Production codes do not affect or apply labor to estimating items. The purpose of the man hours is to pull labor information from the estimate in the form of man hours per ton and labor percentages by labor group.

    • In the Aggregate Units list, select a calculation option.

    Override the estimated labor time of items within the production code in Production Control


    Manually overriding man hours applies an aggregate unit, man hours per ton, that can be applied to production control items. However, if the manual override is used, the labor information does not include labor group percentages. Therefore, the labor group percentages cannot be applied to any production control stations. Further, the information cannot be applied to tasks in the project schedule and to resources that feed information to the production schedule. Manually overriding man hours can also prevent you from comparing the linked production control job with the estimating job.

    1. Select the Override Man Hours check box.

    2. Type the labor time in the field on the right side of the check box.


      To change the units, right-click in the field and select a suitable option in the context menu.

  4. Click Add.

Modify a production code

  1. Select the production code that you want to modify.
  2. Modify the production code properties according to your needs.
  3. Click Save to update the production code properties.

Delete a production code

  1. Select the production code that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to permanently delete the production code.
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