You can export the 3D geometry of the cast units in the Unitechnik format. The result is a text file in the ASCII format.
Supported versions of the Unitechnik format are:
6.1.0 17.9.2009
6.0.0 14.6.2005
5.2b 11.9.2000
5.0c 30.10.1997
The Unitechnik format is intended for the production of the geometry of pallet- or table-produced precast elements such as solid, sandwich or double walls as well as panel slabs and half-slabs. You can export cast units consisting of concrete, steel and surface materials. Exporting of reinforcing bars (bent and not-bent), reinforcing bar groups and meshes with hooks is also supported.
Exported cast unit:
(1) Hole
(2) Steel embed
(3) Reinforcing bars, cages also supported (UT version 6.1.0)
(4) Insulation plate (green)
For details about exporting in the UXML and PXML formats, see Precast Production Export. You can download Precast Production Export from Tekla Warehouse.
To ensure the best possible export result, see Best practices in modeling, validating and exporting for Unitechnik.
Limitations in Unitechnik export
The Unitechnik format is for flat panels and slabs for production in pallet circulation plants. It is an open format used by many different production system master computers, and therefore the specifications are quite strict, and field character lengths are limited, for example. The different master computers from different solution providers also have different interpretations of the Unitechnik data. The original format is from early 2000's, and it is a bit outdated in many aspects. As a result, the Unitechnik format has certain limitations:
Cast units with cast unit type cast-in-place are not exported.
All Unitechnik fields have a maximum character length, both for geometry and attribute information.
While Tekla Structures supports input of longer strings, the data has to be cut and simplified, or the export may be prevented completely. The log will notify if this happens.
Negative values in certain geometry fields (negative pallet X, Y, and Z coordinates, for example) will cause errors in production systems, even though the geometry comes correctly from the model.
Also the number of fields per hierarchy object is limited, although each has also unspecified reserve fields for customer-specific cases.
3D shapes are not supported.
- 3D concrete shapes are not supported (except for edge shapes in line attributes)
- 3D embed shapes are not supported
- 3D bent rebar shapes are not supported
When using terminal hook flection forms, the rebars and meshes can be bent only in one direction (hooks up or hooks down, for example).
One Unitechnik file may only have one HEADER block, but it may have several SLABDATE blocks.
Double wall elements are an exception. They should be exported in one file, with each shell having its own HEADER information.
Export in Unitechnik format
Unitechnik export: Main tab
When specifying object names: If names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2".
Option |
Description |
Unitechnik version |
Select the Unitechnik version. |
Create from |
Select which parts or cast units are exported.
Export using filter |
Use a selection filter to select the parts for export. You can use the selection filter for including the parts in or excluding the parts from the export. |
Parts excluded from export (class or name) |
If you do not want to export some parts, enter the classes or names of these parts. You can also filter out rebars with this setting. Parts with classes in this list will not be exported. |
Directory path |
Define where the export files are saved. The default folder is .\UT_Files under the current model folder. |
File name Extension |
Select the name of the output file from the lists and specify the file name extension. You can use up to 5 strings to generate the export file names. Select options from the lists, definition values or attributes, and an optional string length limiter. You can leave the box empty if you do not need all 5 strings. You can use the delimiter period ( .), dash (-), or underscore (_) between the strings.
Also define the file name extension. By default it is Text and uni. You can select another option from the list. |
File name mask |
The format (length) of the output file name and file name extension. Numbers represent the length of the output string. If the name is longer than the selected option, it is cut. |
Open folder after export |
Select whether the folder where the output file is saved is opened after the export. |
Blank symbol in exported file |
Select the blank symbol to be used in the export file. An example with "_" symbol:
An example with " " symbol:
Output file structure |
Structure of the exported file (slab date and layer part). In most cases, you do not need to use this setting.
1st exported layer |
Select which part is exported in the first
The options are:
Consider layer split thicknesses |
Select how the layers of the cast unit are exported. These options are available when you have set Output file structure to Multiple layers.
Split meshes to individual files | Select Yes to export meshes into individual files. A running number is automatically added to the file name. Each exported file contains one STEELMAT block only. |
Unitechnik export: TS configuration tab
When specifying object names: If names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2".
Option |
Description |
Rotation |
Select the scanning direction, which defines which main part face is towards the pallet base. Unitechnik export uses scanning layers to obtain the geometry of all parts in a cast unit. The scanning direction depends on the plane of the cast unit main part. A floor panel is scanned from bottom to top side. A wall panel and a column are scanned from one side to the other side. The position and direction of a basic shape of the exported cast unit depends on the rotation. Note that you can use the surface object user-defined attribute Use surface as pallet base to orient the object without changing the top-in-form face or the rotation in export settings. You can also use the surface object Align pallet direction UDA, which rotates the element in plane so that the selected face is towards the pallet Y axis and aligns to the pallet X axis. This function overrides all other rotation settings. The export also checks for the |
No Floor: Bottom to top Wall: Front to rear side (according to the modeling direction) Column: Side to side
180 Floor: Top to bottom Wall: Rear to front side Column: From one side to the opposite side
+90 around X Floor: Left to right side Wall: Top to bottom Column: Side to side
-90 around X Floor: Right to left side Wall: Bottom to top Column: From one side to the opposite side
-90 around Y Floor: Rear to front side Wall: Right to left side Column: Top to bottom
With the Top in form face option, the scanning direction depends on the defined top-in-form face, so that the opposite face will be towards the pallet. |
Examples of rotation:
Extra rotation |
Select the rotation around the z axis, and thereby the rotation of the pallet. The z axis has the same direction, but the x and y directions are changed. To show the actual coordinate system, set Draw pallet axis to Yes on the Pallet tab.
The following example shows the coordinate system with no rotation and no extra rotation settings. Panel 1 has the z axis set parallel to the shorter side. It is incorrect in the Unitechnik format, so the coordinate system has to be rotated. Panel 2 shows a rotation by 90 degrees around the z axis.
Auto-rotate on pallet |
Select whether to auto-rotate the coordinate system for export +90° or -90° when the element width exceeds the pallet width, or when the element width exceeds the element length, or to auto-rotate the element on pallet. With the Auto-rotate on pallet option, the element is rotated based on a fixed set of rules defining that the longer edge with no cuts or protruding embeds is at the bottom edge of the pallet. For the Auto-rotate on pallet option, you can also select if the default rotation direction is To long even edge (clockwise) or To long even edge (counterclockwise). |
Export CONTOUR |
Select how to export the element contour. The options are Scanned, Bounding box, and Simplified. The Scanned option inquires the modeled 3D geometry using 2D scanning planes, see the Scan position setting description below. The Bounding box option defines the contour as 4 perpendicular lines between the minimum and maximum values of (x, y) coordinates. The Simplified option exports a simplified contour using 4 x, y corner points of the element. Similarly as the bounding box, but accounts for diagonal lines at the edges. |
Scan position |
The element contour, cutouts and line attributes are defined by scanning the cast unit in the scan direction defined by rotation settings above. A scanning plane works like a section with no view depth. The export application uses 1 or 2 scanning planes for each part included in the exported cast unit (regardless of the output file structure setting). The offset is towards the middle of panel from the scanning plane, but can be negative or positive value. The number of the scanning layers depends on the selected scan position. Each object of the cast unit is scanned in one direction. Select the position in which all parts are scanned. Each part is scanned separately. Scanning plane is parallel to the basic shape plane.
To move the position of the exact scanning plane, use the Scan position offset boxes below to define start offset and end offset. |
Merge CONTOUR layers |
You can export one scanned layer only. With two scanned layers, they have to be merged into one layer.
Export CUTOUTs |
To prevent cutout export, select No. Exclude selected excludes from the export the modeled cut parts that you define by class or name. Selected only includes in the export the cut parts that you define by class or name. |
Merge CUTOUT layers |
The same as Contour export, but for holes only. |
Merge CUTOUTs |
Select how to merge overlapping cutouts. You can select to export a big cutout which is created by smaller cuts as separate cutouts. The options are:
Cuts as mountparts |
Recognize certain cuts as mountparts automatically. Select the cut type: Designated only, All, Recesses, Within contour, or Recesses within. Any embed designated as Cutpart former will always be a mountpart, unless excluded. Within contour means any cut surrounded by the concrete part at least from three sides. |
Extend contour and add formwork |
Select whether to extend the contour according to protruding reinforcement or embeds. This setting extends the contour and adds additional formwork mountparts to the extended area. Formwork is not added if there already is an embed with the same geometry. The contour is not extended for electric tube embeds. |
Name for additional formwork (embed) |
Define a name for the embed. |
Geometry export |
Select whether the geometry of the exported part (concrete contour, cutout, mountpart) is represented as polygons or lines. Polygons exported:
Lines exported:
Export rounded holes as circle (K) |
Select whether you want to export rounded holes as circles (K) or polygons/lines. |
Double wall turned |
Select whether the first shell of a double wall on the pallet is turned. This requirement depends on the receiving master computer system. The options are: No, one coordinate system: Exported as in model, shell1 is in front, shell2 in background. Yes, turn shell1: The shell 1 is offset by the pallet width in y direction (defined on the Validation tab) and flipped around x axis Yes, turn shell1 - fixed edge up: This is meant for special machines. No, shell-specific coordinate systems: Use to export the second shell in the Z direction from the bottom of the pallet upwards. |
Allow swapping of shells |
Specify whether the double wall shells are swapped. |
Unitechnik export: Embeds tab
When specifying object names: If names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2".
Option |
Description |
Normal embeds |
Select which parts are considered as embeds. Embedded parts are exported in the
If the embed block consists of several parts, it is useful to combine all embed parts into one sub-assembly block and then add as sub-assembly to a cast unit or concrete shell sub-assembly. Single part embeds can be simply added to cast unit.
Embed classes or names |
Enter the classes or names of the embeds. |
Embed filter | Enter the name of the filter that specifies the embeds to export. |
Export assemblies |
Select how the 2D geometry of embeds and steel blocks are exported. |
Embeds are exported as parts. All embedded welds and assembly relations are ignored. |
Welded embeds and the assembly block are exported as one part with the bounding box geometry of the complete sub-assembly. |
Only the main part of the embedded block or embedded assembly is exported. |
The main part of the embedded block extended in the x direction to cover all the parts of the embedded block is exported. |
Only the bounding box around the main part of the embedded block or embedded assembly is exported. |
Export the corner symbols of the embed sub-assembly bounding box. |
Export the corner symbols of the main part bounding box. |
Export all sub-assembly parts as one object with continuous geometry. |
Export all sub-assembly parts as one object with distinct geometry of each part. |
Corner symbol width / height |
Enter the width and height of the corner symbol. |
Def export code |
Define how the insertion point and the direction for embeds is calculated. Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31 and 32, 41, 42, 43. In most cases, the insertion middle point refers to the center of gravity of the embed sub-assembly or main part depending on the Export assemblies setting. 0 = Ignores the symbol and uses the sub-assembly bounding box setting according to the insertion COG setting (1 - 5), for example, PLATE 0 0 4. 1 = The insertion point is the middle point of embed and the direction is parallel to the longest side of the exported mountpart geometry. 1 is the default. 2 = The insertion point is the middle point of embed and the direction is parallel to the shortest side of the exported mountpart geometry. 3 = The insertion point is the middle point of embed, and if the mainpart is symmetrical, calculate the direction of the mountpart along the line from mainpart COG to sub-assembly COG. 11 = The insertion point is the point of embed in the middle of shorted side and the direction is along the longest side. 12 = The insertion point is the point of embed in the middle of longest side and the direction is along the shortest side. 21 = The insertion point is in the contour's top edge point closest to the embed and the direction is parallel to the longest side of the exported mountpart geometry. 22 = The insertion point is in the contour's top edge point closest to the embed and the direction is parallel to the shortest side of the exported mountpart geometry. 23 = The insertion point is in the contour's top edge point closest to the embed and if the mainpart is symmetrical, calculate the direction of the mountpart along the line from mainpart COG to sub-assembly COG. 31 = The insertion point is the point of the closest vertex on concrete part, between embeds and concrete part side and the direction is along the longest side. 32 = The insertion point is the point of the closest vertex on concrete part, between embeds and concrete part side and the direction is along the shortest side. 41 = Insertion point embed assembly COG and orients towards the start to end point axis. 42 = Insertion point embed part start point and orients towards the end point. 43 = Insertion point embed assembly COG and orients towards the axis of the longest edge. |
Cut outer assemblies |
Select how the embedded parts that are outside the concrete element are exported. |
All parts in the embed are exported. |
Only the embedded parts that are inside of the concrete element are exported. Embedded parts that are outside the concrete element are ignored. If an embedded part is partly inside a concrete element, the exported geometry of the embedded part is changed to cut. |
Same as the previous option, but only embedded parts with class defined in Cut outer only classes are taken into account. |
Cut outer only classes |
Enter the classes of parts whose geometry is changed to cut when you have selected the last option in the Cut outer assemblies list. |
Embed Z position |
Select the embed z position. The options are Minimum to pallet, Start point and Z=0. When you select Z=0, all exported mountparts will be plotted on the level of the pallet. You can use the spec_assemblies_def.txt file to set the position of the embeds, see above. If unassigned, the setting chosen in the dialog is used by default. For example:
On the first line of the example above you have additional options for positioning the embed symbol:
The special assembly symbol plotting for Z=0 is
Special embeds | Class or name list When defining special embeds as names, and object names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2". |
Insulation |
Define the insulation classes or names. The corresponding parts will be exported as insulation parts. All parts considered insulation are exported in the
Electric tubes |
Define the electric tubes classes or names. The corresponding parts will be exported as
Opening embed |
Define the opening embed classes or names. The corresponding parts will be exported as normal embeds in the
Opening cutout |
Define the opening cutout classes or names. The corresponding parts will be exported only in regard to their geometry in the
Cutpart former |
Export cuts that have been specified with a class or name in the
Thermal anchors |
Export thermal anchors for thermal walls by specifying names or classes. You need to set Export insulation to As embed (mounpart) with thermal anchor to activate the thermal anchors function and the Thermal anchors setting. |
Export insulation |
Select how to export insulation:
Select if the insulation layer affects the contour using the options Layer cut to contour and Extend contour. These options are only available if the insulation is exported as a layer within the concrete element, and you have set the Export insulation setting to As concrete panel or As layers and embeds. When Layer cut to contour is used, the shuttering is placed by the determined concrete edge, however any insulation mountpart is allowed to extend outside this contour. |
Export surface |
Select whether surface
treatment is exported in the |
Export cut edges |
Select how to export cut edges as
The geometry will be a simple line, and the You can use this setting for representing sawings on standard slabs, for example. |
Sorting embeds by |
Select the export order of the embeds. The options are: ID, descending (default) ID, ascending Distance to zero point: The first embed in the list is the closest to the cast unit zero point, the shortest distance to zero point. Name, descending Name, ascending Class, descending Class, ascending |
Identification of installation |
Select the installation identification for the
The options are Installed (0), Only plotted (1), Only installed (2), Not installed, not plotted (3), Installed in reinforcement (4), Installed automatically (5) |
Unitechnik export: Reinforcement tab
You can export single reinforcing bars, groups of straight and bent reinforcing bars, and rectangular or polygonal or bent meshes. The reinforcing bar group, or rectangular or polygonal mesh is divided into several single reinforcing bars. All reinforcing bars are exported in the
When specifying object names: If names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2".
Option |
Description |
Rebars export - Straight |
Note that the hooked bars are controlled by the Straight setting, not by the Bent setting. All including hooked - Straight reinforcing bars are exported. Hooks are supported. All without hooks - Exports straight rebars without hooks only. Collected - Uncollected reinforcement is excluded from the export. |
Rebars export - Bent |
All - Bent reinforcing bars are exported. Collected - Uncollected reinforcement is excluded from the export. |
Meshes export |
When set to Yes, polygonal or rectangular meshes are exported. Hooks are supported. You can define the setting separately for straight or bent meshes. You can also select whether to unfold along longest line or parallel to pallet. |
Bent mesh and reinforcement |
When set to All as unfolded, bent reinforcement is exported as unfolded. When set to Freely selectable forms, bent reinforcement is exported as freely selectable forms, which means that they will have the geometry of each leg and bending represented in the additional row. Hooks are also supported for unfolded reinforcement, and you can select Mesh with hook forms 0, 2 and 5 . Hook forms 0, 2 and 5 are detected. Mesh with hook forms 0-5 exports end hook shape L and two types of shapes S and U (flection form 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) as terminal hooks according to the Unitechnik specification. Other shapes are exported as unknown shape form 999. Using the option Mesh as unfolded , you can export bent meshes as unfolded, while other bent reinforcement is exported as bent. Mesh forms 0-5 or free exports end hook shape L and two types of shapes S and U (flection form 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) as terminal hooks according to the Unitechnik specification. Other shapes are exported using freely selectable forms logic. You can select between two reinforcement starting points: Origin in unfolded rebar or Origin in start rebar point. Origin in unfolded rebar uses the first point of the main leg of rebar or mesh wire depending on the rebar orientation in export. The option also affects the z level of the reinforcement in the resulting Unitechnik file. The start points are unaffected by unfolding options. |
Export meshes as |
Set the rotation of the mesh plane in the export file. The options are: Standard Embeds: Exported as mountparts. Turned to pallet (longest wire on X axis): All meshes will be individually rotated in line with the pallet axes. Turned to pallet (bent wire on X axis): Exports meshes rotated to pallet plane with bent wires parallel with the X axis of the pallet. |
Braced girder classes or names |
We recommend that you model braced girders with braced girder components, which are automatically recognized by the export, making the export faster and consistently precise. Enter the class or name of reinforcing bars, steel rods or profiles representing braced girders. For example, 15 17 5 means that parts with class 15, 17, or 5 are considered braced girders. You can export braced girders within the STEELMAT block using the option Within the STEELMAT block. You can also export braced girders Z coordinate as 0 using the option Without concrete cover. By default, the braced girders are exported outside of the STEELMAT block. Braced girders are represented as a single line, placed according to your selection:
Reinforcement export type |
Define the structure of the exported file for reinforcement. |
Plant with lying robot only All reinforcement including mesh objects will be exported as individual rodstocks within slabdate.
Fabrication of welded rebars If the export type
is set to Fabrication of welded rebars, bar
groups are exported as individual rodstocks, mesh objects are
exported as rodstocks within The structure of the output file (one
Collect reinforcement The structure of the output file is the same as for
Fabrication of welded rebars. This option allows you to collect mesh, single reinforcing bars and reinforcing bar groups into groups exported in one
1 (orange color): The mesh belongs to the bottom panel of the cast unit, mesh name is
2 (blue color): Two single bars, the name is
3 (green color): One reinforcing bar group belongs to the top panel, the name is
Reinforcement export type is set to
Collect reinforcement and
Collect based on is set to
Name, all three different reinforcement types are collected into one mesh, which is exported in one
Other non-designated rebar groups are exported as individual rodstocks. If the collected mesh has only one rebar, it is exported as an individual rodstock without a
Designated welded bars This option works in the same way as Fabrication of welded
rebars, but you can use it with the Collect
based on option to designate the rebars that will form
main layers with reinforcement type 1 or 2, while the rebars remain
as |
Collect based on |
Select how meshes are collected. Meshes with one bar are exported as a single reinforcing bar.
Collect if distance is lower then |
Define the maximum distance between the mesh rebars to be collected together into one
Rebar grouping |
Group similar rebars with equal spacing. Similar rebars are exported using one RODSTOCK row with correct quantity and spacing. The options are Yes and No (default). The rebar grouping is primarily intended to be used in the production of simple mesh and reinforcement. |
Reinforcing bars length |
Select how the reinforcing bar length is calculated.
Reinforcing bars diameter |
Select how the reinforcing bar diameter is exported. The options are:
This selection affects the results of the Rebar length option. |
Braced girders diameter |
Select how the braced girder diameter is exported. The options are:
Rebar direction angle limit |
Select whether the reinforcing bars starting direction in XY plane is limited, as required in some production interfaces.
First bending angle |
Allows setting the first bending angle of free-flection rodstock to be positive or negative (as required by certain interfaces). The options are:
Reinforcement types |
Select the reinforcing bar types in a mesh to be exported. UDA can also be specified for most of the options. The options are:
1 and 2 are for the rods in the bottom face longitudinal and cross bars. With the Use 1, 2 and UDA option, the lowest rebar layer, including all bars in the same direction, is exported with rebar type 1, and all other layers are exported as type 2. 5 and 6 are for the rods in the top face longitudinal and cross bars. 4 is for other rebars placed in the element reinforcement. 8 is for loose bars welded into prefabricated meshes. In addition, you can use the option Bottom rebar = type 1 to specify that the reinforcement type 1 rebars will always be the lowest rebars of a mesh regardless of the mesh orientation on the pallet. The options Use 1, 2 and 4 and Use 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and UDA calculate types 1 and 2 for the main reinforcement according to the layer depth position. The options Use 1, 2, 8 and UDA and Use 1, 2, 4, 8 and UDA are for specific interfaces. By default, they use a logic that has types 1 and 2 assigned by the bar direction in pallet x-/y-axes, not by their depth in z-direction. |
Classes for loose rebars (type 8) |
Enter the classes of loose reinforcing bars to be collected. The bars are a part of a mesh and are exported as reinforcing bar type 8. |
Classes for non-automated rebars |
Enter the classes of reinforcing bars to be tagged for non-automated production. |
Spacer type |
You can add spacer type information to the first layer of the reinforcement (Unitechnik reinforcement type 1). The spacer type is added to the respective spacer type block in the rodstock within the Unitechnik file. The options are: Automatic, rebar type 1: Calculates the spacer type automatically according to the cover thickness. When the reinforcement type is 1 and element is thinner that 100 mm, the spacer type is exported. Automatic, all rebar types: Spacer type is always calculated for each rebar. User defined spacer type: Enter the spacer type to be input in all first layer rebars. No: Leaves 0 as spacer type. |
Spacer start position |
Enter the first spacer start position from the start point of the rebar, for example, 500 (mm). |
Spacer pitch |
Enter the spacer pitch information from start point onwards, for example, 1000 (mm). |
Mesh wire layer level |
Select how mesh wire levels are calculated. The options are:
Add mesh stabilizing wires |
Select whether to extend reinforcement mesh wires through openings to stabilize the mesh. Use for meshes with large openings. |
Stabilization wire max spacing |
Enter a value to define the maximum spacing of the wires that stabilize the reinforcement mesh. As a result, the minimum amount of extra wires will be extended within this spacing value from the closest full wire near opening. |
Meshes sort |
Select whether meshes are sorted. |
Meshes offset |
Select whether the mesh has an offset defined in the
Unitechnik export: Validation tab
Option |
Description |
Draw scanned geometry |
The exported geometry can be shown with Draw scanned geometry. Select whether you want to check if the geometry of the exported parts is correct. It shows the lines representing the exported rectangle of the basic shape, the exported geometry of parts, cuts, embeds, and reinforcement. Embeds are projected to the plane of the basic shape. The reinforcement lines are positioned inside each reinforcing bar in bent or in unfolded state depending on the option selected for the setting Bent reinf. as unfolded on the Reinforcement tab.
Note that this setting might have significant effect on export processing speed. |
Draw pallet axis | Select whether to show the coordinate system. The axes are displayed with dotted lines. |
Wall to pallet checking | Select whether the export checks the wall size against the pallet size. If you select the Yes, if exceeded, do not export option, the Pallet width, Pallet length, and Max. cast unit thickness options cannot be empty. |
Pallet width | Define the pallet width.
On the basis of the pallet width and length, the Wall to pallet checking option is able to check if a wall element is too big to fit to a pallet. If the wall element does not fit to a pallet, the wall element is turned. |
Pallet length |
Define the pallet length. |
Max. cast unit thickness |
Define the maximum cast unit thickness. To avoid collision with the drying chamber, the maximum thickness of a cast unit should be smaller than the maximum opening of the drying chamber. |
Rebar diameter limitation |
Minimum and maximum diameter for the reinforcing bars to be exported. |
Rebar length limitation |
Minimum and maximum length for the reinforcing bars to be exported. |
Rebar leg length limitation |
Minimum and maximum length for individual leg section within a bent rebar to be exported. |
Mesh wire length limitation (Long) |
Minimum and maximum diameter for longitudinal reinforcing bars to be exported. |
Mesh wire length limitation (Cross) |
Minimum and maximum length for cross reinforcing bars inside a mesh to be exported. |
Mesh wire leg length limitation |
Minimum and maximum length for individual leg section within a bent mesh wire to be exported. |
Mesh wire overhang limitation |
Minimum and maximum length for mesh wire overhang section before the first cross-wire welding point and after the last cross-wire welding point to be exported. |
Mesh wire spacing limitation |
Allowed spacing values for mesh wires separated by blank space to be exported. If no value added, there is no limitation for spacing. |
Export others |
These operations are intended for objects that fail the validation:
When a rebar fails the validation, you are notified by a log message. |
Unitechnik export: Reinforcement data tab
In the column on the right, enter the custom or UDA string when applicable. On this tab, you can add data attributes only, no geometric attributes. The information you add controls the reinforcement unit data (single reinforcement, mesh, braced girder, or cage). The attributes are either optional or obligatory. The length of some of the fields may be limited in the UT format, so keep the strings short.
Depending on the setting, the following attributes can be added: Name, Grade, Class, Rebar ID, Mesh ID, Mesh position,UDA, UDA (main part), UDA (rebar), Part UDA, Main part UDA, Phase, User-defined text, User-defined text + class, Template, and Text[Template]#Counter.
- Text can be any text including punctuation marks.
- Write templates in brackets [].
- # adds a running number if the data content is the same in several entries.
- You can enter several templates and use text delimiters, for example, [ASSEMBLY_POS]-[REBAR_POS].
- If you start the Text[Template]#Counter with a template, add a space as the first character before the bracket.
- Template attributes are read from the single reinforcement, mesh, braced girder, or cage.
- You can also use attributes that refer to another hierarchy level, for example, the assembly UDA of the rebar.
- You can use
to inquire a part UDA and{VALUE}
to inquire an assembly UDA. This makes it possible to use a shorter string instead of having to use a template property to designate UDAs. - Data field and file name options with #Counter logic keep the counter series separate from each other when necessary. Only objects with the same object type and matching data string as a base are put into the same counter series. For data fields other than HEADER block fields, these counter series are also distinct within each export file and data section.
Option |
Description |
Rebars: Article number rebar |
Select which property you want to export as a reinforcing bar article number for rebars. |
Rebars: Article number mesh |
Select which property you want to export as a mesh article number for rebars. |
Meshes: Article number rebar |
Select which property you want to export as a reinforcing bar article number for meshes. |
Meshes: Article number mesh |
Select which property you want to export as a mesh article number for meshes. |
Meshes: Meshes designation |
Select the information that you want to export about the meshes. |
Meshes: Info 1 text (UT 6.0) |
Information field is filled with the selected data. |
Meshes: Info 2 text (UT 6.0) |
Information field is filled with the selected data. |
Welded leg designation |
Designate the welded leg in bent mesh bars if there is only one leg that is welded to cross-wires.. When you select Yes, information about welded leg designation is exported. |
Strands (UT 6.0): Pull force (KN) |
You can now use main part UDA (UDA (main part)) or rebar UDA (UDA (rebar)) to include strand pull force information in the Unitechnik export. Selecting Empty does not export the strand pull force information. This setting only works for rebars that are set to type 9 in the Unitechnik reinforcement type box on the Unitechnik tab in the user-defined properties of the rebars. |
BRGIRDER block: Braced girder type |
Select the string value of girder type field in the
CAGE BLOCK: Cage designation |
Select the information that you want to export about the the cage in the
CAGE block (UT 6.1) .
CAGE BLOCK: Base cage shape |
Select the information that you want to show as base cage shape. |
CAGE BLOCK: Info 1 text |
Information field is filled with the selected data. |
CAGE BLOCK: Info 2 text |
Information field is filled with the selected data. |
Definition file |
Use an external definition file to overwrite type and designation information, which is usually determined automatically from model objects. The definition file is a .csv file, with a fixed structure. The definition file can also be read from folders defined for XS_FIRM and XS_PROJECT. An example of the UT_rebar_info.csv definition file is provided below. |
Example of UT_rebar_info.csv
// Definition file to control exported reinforcement information.;;;;
// The first rows have priority over subsequent ones;;;;
// The first field will be used to search model objects using name, class or material, and the other fields will write the field content to exported data fields;;;;
// Use []for searching class, and {} for material;;;;
// Use * for wild card within the searched string;;;;
// Leave data field value blank, if it should not be overwritten;;;;
#MESH;Mesh type;Mesh designation;Automatic production;
[11];0;Custom mesh;1;
[15];8;Stock mesh;0;
#BARS;Rebar type;Article number;Automatic production;
#GIRDERS;Girder type;Description;Automatic production;Height
Unitechnik export: HEADER block data tab
In the column on the right, enter the custom or UDA string, when applicable. On this tab, you can add data attributes only, no geometric attributes. The attributes are either optional or obligatory. The length of some of the fields may be limited in the UT format, so keep the strings short.
Depending on the setting, the following attributes can be added: Project number, Project name, Cast unit position, Cast unit position code,Assembly control number (ACN), Cast unit ID, Cast unit prefix (2 digits), Cast unit drawing revision mark, Project properties - name, Project properties - address, File name with extension, File name without extension, Tekla Structures version, Main part ID, Project UDA, Main part UDA, Main part UDA (UT_product_code), Phase, User-defined text, User name, Main part template, Template and Text[Template]#Counter.
- Text can be any text including punctuation marks.
- Write templates in brackets [].
- # adds a running number if the data content is the same in several entries.
- You can enter several templates and use text delimiters.
- If you start the Text[Template]#Counter with a template, add a space as the first character before the bracket.
- Template attributes are read from the main part.
- You can also use attributes that refer to another hierarchy level.
- You can use
to inquire a part UDA and{VALUE}
to inquire an assembly UDA. This makes it possible to use a shorter string instead of having to use a template property to designate UDAs. - Data field and file name options with #Counter logic keep the counter series separate from each other when necessary. Only objects with the same object type and matching data string as a base are put into the same counter series. For data fields other than HEADER block fields, these counter series are also distinct within each export file and data section.
Option |
Description |
Name of order |
Order fields in the
File name sections: Specify a string consisting of numbers referring to the 6 sections of the exported file name mask that are specified on the Main tab. You can type numbers 1 to 6, and delimiters , . _ and - in the free input field to export any combination of strings used in the file name, in any order. For example, 1-2-3, or 2_5_6. |
Name of component |
Component fields in the
Drawing number |
Drawing number fields in the
File name sections: Specify a string consisting of numbers referring to the 6 sections of the exported file name mask that are specified on the Main tab. You can type numbers 1 to 6, and delimiters , . _ and - in the free input field to export any combination of strings used in the file name, in any order. For example, 1-2-3, or 2_5_6. |
Drawing revision |
Drawing revision fields in the
Product code |
Product code fields in the
Project line1 text - Project line4 text |
Project information fields (3rd line) in the
File creator (UT 6.0) |
You can select to export the
Tekla Structures version information, use name or user-defined text in the
Free field (UT 5.2) |
Only for Unitechnik 5.2. You can select to export the following information to the |
Building site - name |
Name of the building site. |
Building site - street |
Street address of the building site. |
Building site - post code |
Postal code of the building site. |
Building site - place |
City or town where the building site is located. |
Building owner - name |
Name of the building owner. |
Building owner - street |
Street address of the building owner. |
Building owner - post code |
Postal code of the building owner. |
Building owner - place |
City or town where the building owner street address is located. |
Data field template units: No. of digits after decimal point |
Specify the number of decimals after the decimal separator in data field template units. |
Unitechnik export: SLABDATE block data tab
In the column on the right, enter the custom or UDA string, when applicable. On this tab, you can add data attributes only, no geometric attributes. The attributes are either optional or obligatory. The length of some of the fields may be limited in the UT format, so keep the strings short.
Depending on the setting, the following attributes can be added: Counter, Cast unit number, Cast unit position, Part position, Part number, Part name, Cast unit position code, Cast unit nameCast unit GUID, Assembly control number (ACN), Cast unit ID, Cast unit prefix, Cast unit thickness, Concrete part thickness, Cast unit width, Concrete part width, Main part thickness,Main part ID, Main part GUID, Main part UDA, Material, Name, UDA, User-defined text, Phase, Total quantity of part, Main part template, Part weight, Unit weight, Cast unit weight, Template, Template (shell main part), and Text[Template]#Counter.
Template (shell main part): Reads data from the respective double wall shell.
Main part template: Reads data from the double wall level 1 main part.
- Text can be any text including punctuation marks.
- Write templates in brackets [].
- # adds a running number if the data content is the same in several entries.
- You can enter several templates and use text delimiters.
- If you start the Text[Template]#Counter with a template, add a space as the first character before the bracket.
- Template attributes are read from the main part.
- You can also use attributes that refer to another hierarchy level.
- You can use
to inquire a part UDA and{VALUE}
to inquire an assembly UDA. This makes it possible to use a shorter string instead of having to use a template property to designate UDAs. - Data field and file name options with #Counter logic keep the counter series separate from each other when necessary. Only objects with the same object type and matching data string as a base are put into the same counter series. For data fields other than HEADER block fields, these counter series are also distinct within each export file and data section.
Option |
Description |
Slab number |
Slab number field in the
File name sections: Specify a string consisting of numbers referring to the 6 sections of the exported file name mask that are specified on the Main tab. You can type numbers 1 to 6, and delimiters , . _ and - in the free input field to export any combination of strings used in the file name, in any order. For example, 1-2-3, or 2_5_6. |
Unloading type |
Specify the unloading type. The options are:
You can override this setting on the Unitechnik tab for precast concrete parts, which overrides the export dialog box setting. |
Transport type |
Export the means of transportation information. You can override this setting on the Unitechnik tab for precast concrete parts, which overrides the export dialog box setting. |
Transport unit number, Transport sequence number |
Define a value for the transport unit and sequence numbers in the
This can be defined in the part UDAs. |
Transport pile level number |
Specify the transport pile level number in the
For example, you may have a pile of 6 slabs, and they each have sequential pile level numbers 1, 2, 3.. 6. This can be defined in the part UDAs. |
Exposure class |
Export exposition class. You can select to read from part UDAs or use another option. |
Total thickness |
Select which value will be exported as total thickness. The options are Cast unit thickness, Concrete part thickness, Main part thickness, Template, and Double wall width. Double wall width is the same as the Cast unit thickness but it is always inquired from the main cast unit, regardless of how it is modeled. Then the 2nd shell will also receive total cast unit width. |
Production thickness |
Calculates the production thickness in
Double wall width is the same as the Cast unit width but it is always inquired from the main cast unit, regardless of how it is modeled. Then the 2nd shell will also receive total cast unit width. When you export double walls: With the option Cast unit width the cast unit thickness is exported for both shells. |
Export shell gap width |
Controls or disables the export of the gap width value. The options are:
Production weight | Set the type of the SLABDATE weight. The options are Part weight, Unit weight, Cast unit weight, and Template. |
Concrete volume |
Set the type of the volume. You can select concrete part or specify a user-defined concrete volume template property. |
Maximum dimensions |
Specify how the
Iron protection | Export iron projection data. The values are automatically determined from the reinforcement length that extends outside the element. |
Quality of layer | Set the quality of the slabdate. The options are name, template, material and UDA. |
Item designation |
Designate data about the exported element. |
Info 1 text (UT 6.0) - Info 4 text (UT 6.0) |
fields (1 - 4) in the |
Export project coordinates |
Select how you want to export project coordinates. The options are: No Yes, model origin: Use model origin. Yes, with swapped X-axis and Y-axis: Swap X-axis and Y-axis. Yes, special variant A (version 5.2b): Export Unitechnik files that are compatible with the IDAT stacker software. This is only available for the 5.2b version of Unitechnik. Yes, project base point: Use project base point. Yes, current base point: Use the base point currently selected in the model. |
Export quantity |
You can export element quantity in the
Unitechnik export: MOUNPART block data tab
On this tab, you can add data attributes only, no geometric attributes. The attributes are either optional or obligatory. The length of some of the fields may be limited in the UT format, so keep the strings short.
How to use Text[Template]#Counter:
- Text can be any text including punctuation marks.
- Write templates in brackets [].
- # adds a running number if the data content is the same in several entries.
- You can enter several templates and use text delimiters.
- If you start the Text[Template]#Counter with a template, add a space as the first character before the bracket.
- Template attributes are read from the main part of the embed assembly.
- You can also use attributes that refer to another hierarchy level.
- You can use
to inquire a part UDA and{VALUE}
to inquire an assembly UDA. This makes it possible to use a shorter string instead of having to use a template property to designate UDAs. - Data field and file name options with #Counter logic keep the counter series separate from each other when necessary. Only objects with the same object type and matching data string as a base are put into the same counter series. For data fields other than HEADER block fields, these counter series are also distinct within each export file and data section.
Steel parts have a tab Unitechnik Mountpart, where you can specify data which then overwrites the settings defined on the MOUNPART block data tab.
When specifying object names: If names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2".
For several options, you need to specify the related value in the Custom UDA or string field.
Option |
Description |
Type of mounting part |
You can define the type of mounting part in the
Installation type |
Specify the installation type of the embed by defining a UDA, class, name or user-defined text. |
Reference number |
You can define the reference number of a mounting part in the
Mountpart name |
Define the |
Insulation name |
Specify a different mountpart name source for the insulation. |
Cut mountpart name |
Specify a different mountpart name source for the cut part mountparts. |
Info 1 text (UT 6.0) | Information field is filled with the selected data. |
Info 2 text (UT 6.0) | Information field is filled with the selected data. |
Unitechnik export: Line attributes tab
Line attributes are exported automatically according to the element and opening edge shape. If the factory does not use Unitechnik standard line attribute codes, you can override these exported codes. Sometimes line attribute values that are exported in the Unitechnik files are not suitable for the particular situation. For example, to preserve lightness in the model or extensive product standardization, you might have fewer chamfers in the model than there will be in the actual structure. For this reason, you might want to override some line attributes in the export so that the model remains light, but the exported Unitechnik files are correct. You can do this by using the options on the Line attributes tab.
When specifying object names: If names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2".
Option |
Description |
Export line attributes for contour |
Select whether the line attribute values are used for contours (Export line attributes for contour) or for holes (Export line attributes for cutouts) in the export.
This option is available only for contours. |
Override scanned line attributes |
Limit the override to specific cases. The options are All, Rotated, Not rotated, First shell and Second shell. The first option affects the 3 override settings above, and the second option affects the 3 settings below. Rotated and Not rotated apply to all rotations in XY direction, manual and automatic. |
Border line overriding |
You can enter up to six border line modifications in the line attribute export. |
No border lines are overridden. |
Vertical outermost border lines at the start are overridden. |
Horizontal outermost border lines at the bottom are overridden. |
Vertical outermost border lines at the end are overridden. |
Horizontal outermost border lines at the top are overridden. |
Vertical outermost border lines are overridden. |
Horizontal outermost border lines are overridden. |
Horizontal and vertical outermost border lines are overridden. |
All inclined outermost border lines are overridden. |
All outermost border lines are overridden. |
All vertical border lines, except the outermost border lines are overridden. |
All horizontal border lines, except the outermost border lines are overridden. |
All vertical and horizontal border lines except the outermost border lines are overridden. |
All border lines except outermost border lines are overridden. |
All border lines except the horizontal and vertical outermost border lines are overridden. |
All border lines are overridden. |
Scanned |
Orig. attr. , New attr. |
Define the original attribute (Orig. attr.) and the attribute that will be used in the export (New attr.). In the example below the horizontal outermost border line at the top would get a line attribute value
Special formwork for object (classes or names) |
Specify a special formwork object using a class or a name. The edge of the exported contour with this specified object will then be exported with code 0002 by default. This setting also works for reinforcement. In Attribute code, you can specify a custom line attribute code for special formwork for an object. |
Export line attributes for cutouts |
Select whether all line attributes are exported for openings. |
Max, Min |
The width of the chamfer is max 30 mm and the depth of the tongue and groove max 30 mm. If not within the tolerance, they are handled as special formwork 0002.
Export angle of 1st and last vertical border |
Select whether you want to export the angle of cut at the first and last vertical border. |
Edge chamfer splits line | Split the edge of the exported contour to have more line attributes exported for one edge. |
Unitechnik export: Pallet tab
Option |
Description |
Placing on pallet |
Define if the placing is checked from the start or end of the pallet. |
X offset at start or end |
Define if the X offset at start or end of the pallet is checked. |
Y offset from alignment |
Specify the Y offset of elements on the pallet. |
Align in Y axis |
Align elements in Y direction. You can select whether to align
Clearance between cast units |
Define if the clearance between the cast units is checked. |
Same cast unit thickness needed |
Define if the cast unit thickness is checked. |
Sequence in pallet Sequence order |
When you have selected Combined, n slabdate, 1 part as the output file structure on the Main tab, you can select the logic of sequencing panels on pallet using main part or cast unit ACN or number, main part UDA or main part template, or Unitechnik transport UDAs. You can set the sequence as Ascending or Descending. |
Unitechnik export: Symbols tab
Configure the details of mountpart symbols and symbols for braced girders used in the export.
Setting | Description |
Special assemblies export Special export assembly file name |
The options are No, Yes, (spec_assemblies_def.txt), and Yes, no rotation on pallet. The options affect the exported geometry of the embeds. The real geometry is replaced by the geometry defined in text files. Each embed is defined as a symbol consisting of a set of lines, a set of arcs, or a circle. The default name of the text file is spec_assemblies_def.txt, and is searched for in the model folder. Use Special export assembly file name to define the name and the location of the text file. The special export assembly file name can also be read from folders defined for XS_FIRM and XS_PROJECT. Special assembly symbol definition file supports embed template properties and its values or embed names that have blank spaces. Embed template property values or embed names have to be enclosed in quotation marks. By default, the symbol definitions are mapped according to the exported embed designations. Designation can be any part property, which is controlled on the MOUNPART block data tab with the Mountpart name setting. The required structure of the text file is written in distinct rows, and the first row has to have the number of subsequent lines defining the geometry:
Example of the file:
You can use S for a line, K for a circle, and B for an arc, and the coordinates are related to the embed insertion point. A line is defined with 4 coordinates, start (X,Y), end (X,Y). Example: S -50 -50 50 50 A circle is defined with one radius value around the insertion coordinate. Example: K 100 An arc is defined with a radius value and relative start and end angles, with 0 angle pointing towards positive X direction, and increases counter-clockwise. Embeds in special
assembly symbol definition file can also be designated by
template property and its value in format Example of using template property: The geometry of all embeds (from example with designations Quicky, QuickyS, E-Doze) are replaced by geometry defined in the text file. In the following example, the part number 1 (the name is Beam) was not found in the text file so the geometry is exported according to default settings from export dialog. On the opposite side the part number 2 (the name is Quicky) was found, so the geometry is replaced.
You can also define the def export code, insertion point logic and embed z-positioning on the first definition row:
To specify the insertion point position of embeds in using the spec_assemblies_def.txt file:
If you select Yes, no rotation on pallet, the embed symbols are placed according to the panel rotation, but the symbols themselves are not rotated. |
Special embeds | Class or name list When defining special embeds as names, and object names consist of several words, enclose those in quotation marks and use spaces between words, for example, "WORD1 WORD2". |
Opening with corner symbols |
Specify classes or names of parts or cut parts for openings that will be exported with corner symbols instead of mountpart representation. |
All cutouts as corner symbols |
Export rectangular cutouts as 4 corner symbol mount parts by defining the classes or names. You can define the size of the symbol in the dialog box. |
Cutpart former | Specify a representation for the exported cutpart formers. The options are Default, As corner symbols and As centerline. |
Draw girder width symbol | Specify if the braced girders exported with end symbol mountpart should also have a line representing the girder width. |
Draw girder in second shell | Specify if the braced girders should be exported in the second shell of the double wall. You can also specify the length of the longitudinal line. |
Unitechnik export: Log files tab
Option |
Description |
Log file directory path |
Define the path for a log file. If the path is empty, then the log file is saved in the same location as the export files. |
Create main Log file |
Select whether to create a one main log file. |
Create Log file for each file |
Select whether a log file is created separately for each export file. |
Write history to log file and UDA |
Create a log file containing the history of the exported parts. You can also select to write the information to the UDA
Show error dialogs |
Select whether an error message is shown, for example, when exported parts are not numbered correctly or when the embedded parts have no parent part. |
Write file name to UDA |
Select to write the full export file name (File name with extension) or the export file name without the file name extension (File name without extension) to hidden main part UDA