Tekla Structures 2020 Finland environment Release Notes

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

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1 General Settings

1.1 Environment initialization files

Role FIN_Rakennesuunnittelija and ENU_Contractor: disabled the new visualization setting for hidden lines on DirectX rendering mode due to possible performance issues in specific cases with e.g. formwork items. In general, the setting increases performance, thus the option XS_USE_DASHED_HIDDEN_LINES is true on all other roles.

1.2 Model template removed

Model template "Start model concrete" has been removed from environment installation. The components that it contained have been transferred to Tekla Warehouse, where they can be downloaded as one collection or in smaller component groups.

1.3 Rebar & Mesh catalogs updated

Rebar grades were updated according to Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT. The added grades are B500A, B500C, B700A, B600XA, B600XB and B600XC. Grades B500S, B600KX, A700HW, B700K and B500C1 were removed from rebar catalog. A500HW and B500K were left to avoid problems with components using the old grades.
The minimum bending radiuses of the new grades (as well as B500B) were set according to national building code of Finland:




This only applies to ties and stirrups so for main bars the bending radii are the same they were for A500HW.
The updated grades can be distinguished by EC2 in Code-column (the old ones have B4):


For meshes, grades B500K and B600KX were replaced with B500A and B600XA, respectively.

1.4 Rebar shape rules reviewed

Rebar shape rules and the bending schedule fields were also reviewed. For instance, shape "W" rules were re-adjusted so that angles greater than 90º for u and v are also accepted, and new shape "Y" was added for bars with 3..5 legs that don't fit into any other shape category.

1.5 Layer prefixes for rebar sets

The layer prefixes for rebar sets were set to ap. (bottom level), yp. (top level), sp. (sides) and h. (links). These can be used e.g. in rebar marks to point out which surface the rebars are facing.


1.6 Custom properties

Custom properties have been updated. CUSTOM.ELEMENT_POS can now be determined to display only cast unit prefix or whole cast unit position, depending on the cast unit's design status. New properties CUSTOM.BUILDING, CUSTOM.ACN, CUSTOM.CAST_UNIT_NAME, CUSTOM.ELEMENT_POS.BY_DRAWING. The documentation of all custom properties in Finland environment can be found in TUA.

1.7 Floor layout settings

  • Part numbering fields were emptied so that part prefix and start number values are determined by XS_CONCRETE_PART_NUMBERING_PREFIX and XS_CONCRETE_PART_NUMBERING_START_NUMBER.
  • Classes for automatic cutting around other parts were set according to environment defaults. 
  • Allowed opening dimensions on dialog were set based on national hollow core design instructions for slabs with five hollows.
  • Slab specific width zones and maximum lengths have been updated on FloorLayout.ini-file.
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2 Drawings

2.1 Drawing layouts

Drawing layout size can now be changed from layout editor. For this, we have preset all the drawing sizes that were available as table layouts through the old drawing layout dialog.


2.2 Rebar dimensions

New features for rebar dimensioning: dimensioning settings dimension_mark.dim and tagged_dimension_mark.dim were replaced by rebar_dimension_line.dim and rebar_tagged_dimension_line.dim which correspond the original dimensioning types used on default options for rebar dimensions. The attribute names now better point out the usage of the attribute file.

Standard settings for Rebar group dimensioning -tool was updated to add dimensions to the edges of the part.

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Service Pack 1 updates

New custom properties for reporting embeds have been added to the environment. The new custom properties are CUSTOM.IS_EMBED, CUSTOM.EMBED.ORDER_INFO, CUSTOM.EMBED.QUANTITY, CUSTOM.EMBED.UNIT, CUSTOM.EMBED.TYPE, CUSTOM.EMBED.SECTION and CUSTOM.EMBED.FLOOR. In addition to the custom properties, selection filter BEC Valutarvikkeet and Organizer property template BEC Valutarvikkeet, which utilize these custom properties, were added in the environment.
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Service Pack 3 updates

Finland environment was updated to support the new extension BEC Pile (RT Betonipaalut) for designing piles.
The report P_Pile_list.Excel was updated to use GUIDs in object identification (previously the report used IDs). The updated Excel template P_Pile_list.xlsm now has a sheet Pile import data which will be completed with erection data. The data on the new sheet can then be imported to Tekla in new UDA fields on tab BT Pile information. The pre-existing UDA for pile number was transferred from FI-Numbering to the new tab. The only other UDA on FI-Numbering tab, drawing batch, has been moved to FI-Drawing data tab. The FI-Numbering tab is left for a while, to guide users to the correct tabs. The updated procedure for handling piles is described in the documentation of the BEC Pile extension.


Default settings for importing pile numbers and site data have been set to help attribute importing. Additionally, default settings for extension Assign sequential UDAs were saved as an alternative way for numbering piles. Filters and representation settings for piling status visualization have been added.
Definition for XS_SYSTEM has been modified for all roles but contractor, to avoid the error of import_macro_data_types.dat missing while importing attributes. This is caused by a restriction of maximum length of folder path definition, so %XS_ENGINEERING%-folders were set to be read first in all designing roles. The folder structure of Finland environment is to be investigated and simplified in the future.

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Service Pack 4 updates

The stainless rebar grades B600XA, B600XB and B600XC used to have the same diameters as the normal bars. The diameters of these grades have now been corrected to 5, 7, 9 and 11 mm, and their bend radiuses are calculated with those diameters (2,25*diameter).

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Service Pack 5 updates

  • New UDAs were added for steel objects to support the UDAs that formwork components use. The new UDA's are all in Formwork-tab/group.
  • Report P_Pile_list.Excel.rpt and the Excel template P_Pile_list.xls were updated to support the new version 1.2 of extension BEC Pile (RT Betonipaalut).
  • Updated Inquire cast unit -report to use CUSTOM.BUILDING, CUSTOM.SECTION and CUSTOM.FLOOR
  • Templates All_Revision.tpl and G_Element_list_with_running_numbers.tpl and G_Element_list_without_running_numbers.tpl had stopped translating to English when the language is set in project or drawing UDAs. This has now been fixed.
  • For template All_Revision the error with a line being drawn outside the drawing frame has now been fixed. The template is now only visible if there are any revisions on the drawing. If revision line count is set to 0, only the title fileds at the bottom are visible. The template titles (footers) also had a strange dependency on Info 2 -field, where the footers would only be visible if the revision had text in Info 2 -field. This dependency has now been removed and the footers are now always visible.
  • All_Revision.tpl has also been improved to not combine rows that have same revision mark. The rows used to be sorted according to the mark, and if there were revisions with identical mark, only the first one was returned. The rows are now sorted in Rev.No.'s order and are never combined.
All_Revision updates.png

All_Revision updates 2.png
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Service Pack 7 updates

  • A new UDA, Procurement ID (Hankinta ID) was added on FI-General tab. The UDA is included in IFC export property set BEC
  • Previously missing CUSTOM.BUILDING is now included in IFC export property set BEC as well
  • Obsolete IFC export property sets BEC-Tilaaja, DesignWorkflowInformationTBS, DesignWorkflowInformationTS and DesignWorkflowInformationTSTBS were removed.
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Service Pack 8 updates

  • Hollow core slabs with profile P32K and with bathroom recesses returned incorrect values for net areas in IFC models written with BEC property sets. The attribute CUSTOM.HC_NET_AREA has a bug which is being fixed, but until it gets fixed, the value that's written in IFC models is fetched with attribute AREA_PROJECTION_XZ_NET that returns more reliable values. In the picture below you can see on the left the value for net area that is written into IFC with previous versions property set, and on the right the new value. The slab has no holes so its net area should be the same as gross area.
  • The contents of IFC export property set BEC were re-ordered in a more logical order. They used to be written in an inverse direction, so details were written at the top and the more general information were at the bottom.
  • Some new custom properties have been added to the environment. The new properties are CUSTOM.EMBED.BELONGS_TO, CUSTOM.EMBED.BUILDING, CUSTOM.EMBED.PRODUCT_CODE (added in the pre-existing CustomEmbedProperties.dll) and CUSTOM.ASSEMBLY_TYPE, CUSTOM.CROSS_SECTION_TYPE, CUSTOM.IFC_GUID, CUSTOM.MANUFACTURED_AT, CUSTOM.MATERIAL_TYPE and CUSTOM.OBJECT_TYPE (included in a new CustomObjectTypeProperties.dll). The details of the new custom properties will be documented in the Finland environment custom properties page.
  • Of the new custom properties, CUSTOM.EMBED.PRODUCT_CODE and CUSTOM.ASSEMBLY_TYPE were added to IFC export property set BEC. Now for example Peikko's products are written in complete details, thanks to the new CUSTOM.EMBED.PRODUCT_CODE. Additionally, TALO2000_CODE, PRECAMBERING and assembly WIDTH, HEIGTH and LENGTH were added to the property set.
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Service Pack 9 updates 

  • Added new UDA's:
    • MANUFACTURED_AT attribute on FI-General tab for defining whether the part/assembly is produced on site or factory (related to CUSTOM.MANUFACTURED_AT)

    • P_AUTH_MUNICIPAL in FI-Authority tab on project UDAs for setting the municipality of the project
    • P_IFC_DATA_VERSION in FI-Model version tab to set, which version of nomenclature has been used on IFC-export for the common names of object type and material type (related to FI_RAK_IFC-tietosisältö-project)
  • Added example files for CustomObjectType.ini and CustomMaterialType.ini (see Custom Object Types)
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Service Pack 10 updates

  •  C_Embed_list.tpl: The insulation rows with exact same name, material, thickness and product description are combined, but their areas were not summed before. This has now been fixed so that the areas within those rows is summed up.

  • Added standard file for NC header (standard.nch) to fix the issue with the contents being in wrong order. In the localized standard file, piece number comes before phase number.

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