Setting up Port Forwarding

Tekla PowerFab GO
Not version-specific
Tekla PowerFab Tekla PowerFab GO
Port Forwarding Setup

Tekla PowerFab GO requires that a TCP port be forwarded to the Tekla PowerFab server on your network.  Typically, this is done by an IT person on your network firewall/router.


See also the information under Install Tekla PowerFab Go in the Tekla PowerFab Go Product Guide.


Trimble personnel cannot configure your firewall for you due to the importance of your network security.


Tekla PowerFab Go is a peer-to-peer application using a RESTful-like protocol over TCP sockets. Tekla PowerFab Go is used by steel fabricators to provide a secured, web-facing interface to production data held within Tekla PowerFab.

Port Number

  • The default port is 9154. However, if you wish to use a different port this has to be part of the information you provide to support during the set up.
  • The port can be set to any non-standard TCP port (1024 - 65535) not already in use.
  • Port 3306 is already used by MySQL as the default for the desktop application of Tekla PowerFab.

Note: All traffic on this port will be encrypted and compressed.


  • TCP only

Traffic Origin and Destination

Inbound traffic should be forwarded to the “Tekla PowerFab server” on this port and may originate from any of the IP addresses listed in the Incoming connection restrictions section of the Connection options to your Tekla PowerFab database Product guide.

Note: Restriction to these IP addresses should be performed only after a positive connection is confirmed with your local Tekla Support.

Outbound traffic may be sent to anywhere on the Internet.

Software Firewalls

Any software firewalls (and anti-virus programs, etc.) on the Tekla PowerFab server will also need to permit traffic as Windows Firewall is often turned on by Windows Update and may require rules to be applied to allow the connection.

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