Release Info Tekla Structures 2024
The Release Info Tekla Structures 2024 includes the following topics:
Tekla Structures 2024 video's
Tekla Structures 2024 features many new options and enhancements are explained in this Release Info.
In addition, instructional videos are available for several functionalities.
Click here for the new features shown in brief.
Fictional profiles extended
Tekla Structures 2024 now includes three fictional profiles in the profile catalog, category Cladding:
These profiles do not exist is reality, so cannot be ordered by any supplier. Those profiles can be used to indicate a profile like this should be used here.
In case real profiles are required, please check Tekla Warehouse.
I-joist profile added
Tekla Structures 2024 contains the new parametric profile, called I-joist. This type of profile can be used for walls, floors and roofs.
Separator added to Excel-reports
By default, Tekla Structures contains many reports which can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
These reports are included in the installation having the file extension *.csv.rpt, for example material-list.csv.rpt.
In Tekla Structures this report is available in dialog Report (via Drawings & Report > Reports) as material-list.csv:
In Tekla Structures 2024, the text sep= has been added to all reports files with the file extension *.csv.rpt:
This text forces the already existing separators used in the rows.
In combination with the Dutch language in Microsoft Excel, this separator ensures correct separation in Microsoft Excel. So the correct information in one cell and not all information in one cell, so you can easily sort in Excel.
However, if you are using another language in Microsoft Excel, for example the English language, then you should use a "," (comma) as a separator.
(You can set the desired language in Microsoft Excel via File > Options > Language.)
However, adding the text sep= forces the Excel report separator in all cases and automatically recognizes the ";" as the separator, regardless of which language is set.
Own reports
If you have your own reports in Tekla Structures with the file extension *.csv.rpt, you can also add the text sep= to these reports.
Click here for tips for reports and report templates.
Modified reports
In all roles
The report id_no_number, which is available in all roles, has been updated so that now, in addition to unnumbered parts, the modified parts are also displayed in the report.
In the Timber role
When working in Tekla Structures in the Timber role, in Tekla Structures 2024 the report id_custom_property_M150.rpt has been removed from the installation and replaced with a more complete report, namely id_custom_property_timber_parts.rpt:
In addition, the report id_custom_property_timber_assembly.rpt has been added:
As a result, there are two reports that show all the custom properties of parts and assemblies. These custom properties are already used the filters in the Timber role, but these reports allow you to see what additional information is available from the parts you are modeling. This allows you to create better filters, reports and organizer overviews.
Click here for the Tekla Warehouse US custom variables.
Click here for a table with information about the US custom variables.
Localization: Update personal settings/files
General about localization
When you switch to Tekla Structures 2024 as a Tekla Structures user, you can use the settings and files that you modified in a previous Tekla Structures version. Tekla Structures will not copy them automatically, you must do it yourself.
There are some settings/files that we will highlight because these are customizations that you may have made in an earlier Tekla Structures version and cannot be copied to Tekla Structures without any further action.
Compare them to your situation and, if necessary, take the steps that apply to you. This allows you to start working in Tekla Structures 2024 quickly and easily.
It is recommended that you document your own changes by documenting them and using this Word document as a basis, supplemented with your personal points of attention. In that way you always know what your adjustments are.
Update model templates
In case you have created model templates in earlier Tekla Structures versions, you must update the model templates to use them hassle-free in Tekla Structures 2023.
Click here for a general step plan.
Dialog box Inquire objects modified
You have the ability in Tekla Structures to inquire information about objects.
To do so, you click the Object command and then select an object (part, bolt, component, weld, etc.) or you select an object, click the right mouse button and select one of the commands Inquire > Part, Information > Assembly, etc.
The dialog box that appears displays all relevant information about the object where the information displayed depends on the selected object:
By default, several reports (*.rpt files) are available in Tekla Structures that serve as templates for displaying such information:
For example, the report TS_Report_Inquire_Part.rpt is used to display the information about parts. The report TS_Report_Inquire_Assembly.rpt is used to display the information about assemblies.
In Tekla Structures 2024, several report templates have been modified to improve readability.
Personal report templates
If you have modified one or more of the report templates shown above in an earlier Tekla Structures version, check them and modify them, if needed, so that readability is also improved for your personal report templates in Tekla Structures 2024.
The customized ribbon and shortcuts
You can copy your customized ribbon and shortcuts, after installing Tekla Structures 2024, from an older Tekla Structures version to Tekla Structures 2024.
Copy the ribbon
You can copy your customized ribbon from an older Tekla Structures version to Tekla Structures 2024.
NOTE: If you copy your customized ribbon, new available (in Tekla Structures 2024) command buttons will be missing.
You can also first compare the "old" ribbon with the new "standard" ribbon in Tekla Structures 2024 via File > Settings > Ribbon > Compare in both Model and Drawing Editor.
You will see the differences between your customized ribbon and the "default" Tekla Structures 2024 ribbon.
You can now choose to add the missing command buttons or to use the new default ribbon.
You can do next to copy your customized ribbon:
1. In the Windows Explorer, go to the folder (depends on the Tekla Structures-version)
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\TeklaStructures\<older version>\UI\Ribbons\
or the folder
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<older version>\UI\Ribbons\
2. The *.xml file albl_up_<license>--main_menu.xml
contains the customized ribbon.
3. Copy this *.xml file to the folder C:\Users\
\AppData\Local\Trimble\Tekla Structures\2024.0\UI\Ribbons
Note that the ribbon file name is determined by the Tekla Structures configuration you are using. For example, for the Steel Detailing configuration, the file name albl_up_Steel_Detailing - main_menu.xml is used. Because there are three new configurations available in Tekla Structures 2021, the following table shows the available configurations and their file names:
* New in Tekla Structures 2021. These options are only available if you have a subscription.
Click here for more detailed information about copying the ribbon.
Click here for more information about comparing the changes between a customized ribbon and the original ribbon.
Copy shortcuts
To copy shortcuts from an earlier Tekla Structures version to Tekla Structures 2024:
1. In an earlier Tekla Structures version, go to File > Settings > Keyboard shortcuts.
2. Click on the button Export, save the *.xml file on the desired location with the desired name.
3. In Tekla Structures 2024, go to File > Settings > Keyboard shortcuts.
4. Click on the button Import, select the *.xml file and click on the button Open, the shortcuts are now imported.
You can copy the exported *.xml file to any computer and next import the file in Tekla Structures 2024.
Customized Applications and components catalog
In Tekla Structures you have the possibility to customize the Applications and components catalog, such as creating your own groups, adding subgroups, or customizing the order of groups.
In Tekla Structures, the Applications and Components catalog (the groups Concrete through Reinforcement) is stored in separate *.xml files in the folder
Because the groups are stored separately, the Applications and components catalog is easy to maintain by group and you can easily exchange groups. For example, when you have added your own group to the Applications and components catalog, you can publish (export) this group to an *.xml file:
...and save it in your TS folder or share it with colleagues or third parties. (They save the *.xml file in their own TS folder).
Click here for more detailed information on maintaining the Applications and Components catalog.
Administrator's Release Notes
This Release Info from Construsoft highlights various settings and files to ensure that you can quickly start working in Tekla Structures 2024.
In addition to this Release Info, also the Administrator's release notes are also available. In these release notes you will find more information about changes that may be interesting for you.
Please check this information as a Tekla Structures user or let your system administrator check it to see what else deserves attention.
IFC files for concrete stairs and ramps: New user-defined attributes and property sets available
In Tekla Structures, you can export a Tekla Structures model (or part of it) to an IFC file.
Click here for detailed information about exporting to an IFC file.
To meet the standard even better for this collaboration, several settings have been added in Tekla Structures 2024 for concrete stairs and ramps.
These are user-defined attributes for system component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95), component Concrete Stairs Tool (which is available in Tekla Warehouse) and when one of the system components is exploded or when you model a staircase or ramp manually.
You can also, when you explode a system component of a staircase and you add a rise, for example, enter the number of rises in the corresponding user-defined attribute.
To be able to use the user-defined attributes, copy the new file CS_objects_stairs_ramps.inp, stored in the folder
to the model folder and rename the file to objects_stairs_ramps.inp.
Next, start Tekla Structures.
When you model concrete stairs in Tekla Structures 2024, for example with system component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95), you now have the tab Stairs/Ramps at part level:
The tab Stairs/Ramps shows the attributes that can be defined in the system component in various value fields, such as in the tabs Parameters and Parts:
Some attributes must be entered manually, such as Headroom.
The information is displayed when you next inquire the information of the concrete staircase (again at part level) using the Inquire object command (shortcut combination Shift + I):
In addition, system component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) includes the new setting anti-skid in which on the tab Anti-skid is set that anti-skid profiles should be created:
In system component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95), the tab UDA defines that the information about the anti-skid profile is included in the user-defined attribute and when inquiring information about the concrete stair with the Inquire object command:
Other user-defined attributes can be defined in this tab as needed, such as whether the staircase is an emergency (fire) exit or not.
In the user-defined attributes:
Information about the concrete staircase with the Inquire object command:
When you export the Tekla Structures model to an IFC file (via File > Export > IFC) , you have the new property sets Coordination view default properties and Design transfer view default properties in the Export IFC dialog box:
These property sets include the aforementioned (required) properties:
Click on the following option(s) for an overview of the required property sets (common properties) for stairs and ramps.
Now when you export a Tekla Structures model to an IFC file, the information is included.
A concrete staircase without anti-skid:
A concrete staircase with anti-skid:
The properties have also been added to the file contentattributes_userdefined.lst so that they are available now in the Template Editor:
Personal settings
In case you have made changes in previous Tekla Structures versions to the file contentattributes_userdefined.lst, check the new file *.lst with your file *.lst and make the necessary changes if needed.
For more information regarding changes to system component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95), go to section System components > Reinforced Concrete Stair (95).
New interactive model view rotation
The symbol for local coordinate system in the model view has been replaced with a new, interactive view rotation symbol, and thus making it easier to quickly rotate the model from 3D view to a desired 2D plane. The new view rotation symbol is like the one in Trimble Connect.
The new view rotation symbol is at the lower right corner of the model view:
You can now easily rotate the model view from 3D to a new 2D plane by clicking the navigation control axes in the symbol. Previously, you had to create the default views of a part or use the View angle commands on the contextual toolbar for a desired view.
Click here for an instruction video about the new interactive model view rotation.
Click here for more information about the new interactive model view rotation in the Tekla Release Notes.Renewed interactive bolt creation with preview
You now have improved and more efficient ways of modeling bolts in Tekla Structures so you can create them with more precision and control. The improved functionality streamlines the modeling process and therefore increases productivity.
User feedback showed that after creating bolts, bolts were frequently removed and repositioned. The new options make it easier to create bolts correctly in one go.
Tekla Structures 2024 introduces two new options and a preview in the bolt creation command. It is now easy to create bolts correctly at once, with one click in the model. You can visually check that the bolts will be created in the desired location and have the bolt head at the appropriate end.
When you start the renewed Bolt command, the contextual toolbar opens with three options to create bolts:
With the new options 1 and 2 you use a part face, the edge of the part face that is nearest to the mouse pointer is selected as the basis for the preview. The bolt group direction will be perpendicular to this edge.
Option 3 is to create bolts in the same way as in the previous versions, but with the help of a preview.
Click here for a general video about the renewed interactive bolt creation.
Click here for a detailed instruction video about the renewed interactive bolt creation.
Click here for more information about the about the renewed interactive bolt creation in the Tekla Release Notes.
More efficient way copy object properties in the property pane: Copy to clipboard
In Tekla Structures 2024 there is a new, more efficient way to copy properties between objects: Copy to clipboard.
The new Copy to clipboard command can be used in addition to the current Copy to other object command and is available in the property pane both in modeling and in drawing mode:
Copy to clipboard copies all properties of the selected object to the Tekla Structures clipboard. You can then paste the properties to the selected objects.
For example, when you copy settings from both a part and a bolt mark, and then paste the contents of the clipboard, the correct corresponding settings are pasted.
Click here for an instruction video about the new command Copy to clipboard.
Click here for more information about the new command Copy to clipboard in the Tekla Release Notes.
New options Snap to parallel points & snap to object faces
Snap to parallel points
Tekla Structures 2024 has a new snapping option: Snap to parallel points:
You can now snap to points that are parallel to grid lines, part reference lines, and the edge lines of existing objects or reference objects:
Snap to parallel points works both in modeling mode and in drawing mode.
Click here for an instruction video about the new snapping option Snap to parallel points.
Click here for more information about the new snapping option Snap to parallel points in the Tekla Release Notes.
Snap to object faces
You can now snap to object faces in 3D model view when you have the Snap to perpendicular points or the Snap to intersection points snap switch active:
Note that you can only snap to object faces when the rendering of parts is set to Parts rendered (Ctrl+4)/Components rendered (Shift+4)/References rendered (Ctrl+Shift+4):
Tekla Structures 2023:
Tekla Structures 2024:
Click here for an instruction video about snapping to object faces.
Click here for more information about snapping to object faces in the Tekla Release Notes.
System components
Prestressed cables (m005)
Tekla Structures includes system component Prestressed cables (m005) that allows you to model prestressed cables in concrete elements such as beams.
The system component now includes several default settings:
Each setting refers to the rebar source, this is the tab that defines the used settings:
Border rebar for single edge (93)
Since Tekla Structures 2023, system component Border rebar for single edge (93) has been taken over by Tekla. As a result, both system components were available in the Applications and Components database:
In Tekla Structures 2024, only Tekla's system component is still available:
As a result, only this system component is now included in the group Reinforcement in the Applications and Components database:
In addition, the available default settings in Tekla Structures 2023 have already been carried over from the Construsoft system component to the Tekla one:
Personal settings
If you have created personal settings for Construsoft system component Border rebar for single edge (93) and you want to be able to use these settings also in system component Border rebar for single edge (93) from Tekla, do the following:
1. Copy the personal Construsoft system component settings from an earlier Tekla Structures version to Tekla Structures 2024, for example to the TS folder or to your model template.
2. Go to the folder in which the settings are stored and rename the files with file extension *.m90000093 to *.m150000093.
Construsoft system component settings are stored as follows: <name_setting>.m90000093 So, the file extension is *.m90000093 |
Tekla system component settings are stored as follows: <name_setting>.m150000093 So, the file extension is *.m150000093 |
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95)
System component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) now includes new settings in tab UDA.
In this tab, the user-defined attributes (UDA) for the corresponding objects can be defined.
This setting ensures that in the properties of the staircase, which is created as a concrete slab, the IFC entity is changed from IFCSlab to IFCStair:
...for the purpose of IFC export so that information exchange agreements are even better met.
For more information about changes in system component Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) , go to chapter Interoperability > IFC files for concrete stairs and ramps: New user attributes and property sets available.
Footplate (1029)
Tekla Structures includes system component Footplate (1029) that allows you to model footplates under columns:
Because this is a very extensive system component with many options, for the sake of clarity/readability of the component, some adjustments have been made.
As a result, several options available on the tab Anchor rods and Nuts and washers have been moved.
Tekla Structures 2023, tab Anchor rods:
Tekla Structures 2024, tab Anchor rods:
Tekla Structures 2023, tab Nuts and washers:
Tekla Structures 2024, tab Nuts and washers:
New way of creating steel drawings
In Tekla Structures, you already had the ability to define settings for objects in drawing views in the roles Precast Concrete Detailer and Timber Detailer since some Tekla Structures versions. This includes how parts are displayed or dimensioned in different views.
It also allows you to create multiple views of the same type, for example, multiple front views to clearly display the dimensions of embeds or rebars, giving you great flexibility: you can define where you want to dimension what, in what order they are created and what settings you want to use for each dimension line. This also applies to complex assemblies such as trusses and stairs.
The image below shows a truss that includes horizontal rails, stands, diagonals and end plates with bolt and zinc holes:
When an assembly drawing of the beam is created with the setting standard, the drawing looks like this:
By defining drawing settings for the objects for different drawing views, the drawing can look as follows where different colors are used for drawing objects and dimension lines:
Click here for two elaborated steel-related examples.
Tekla Structures 2024
By default, you now also have the ability to define settings for objects in drawing views in the role Steel Detailer role too.
The advantage of the new way of defining drawing views is that in Tekla Structures 2024 you can use the new option to define and use an unlimited number of colors in drawings to represent drawing objects.
Future developments are also supported in the new way of defining drawing views. For example, the new color options are supported in the new way of defining drawing views but not when creating the drawings in the old way.
Drawing settings are automatically loaded and cross sections are shown exactly on the drawings making the drawings look more realistic:
Maintaining the settings is much easier. Overall, you can now set much more which results in better drawings.
The disadvantage is that you have to convert your personal settings once.
Using old settings in Tekla Structures 2024
In Tekla Structures 2024, the old settings are only available in model template Steeldrawings old style:
In the model template Steeldrawings old style (stored in the folder ..\ConstrusoftEuropean\Steel\ModelTemplates), the *.zip file Steeldrawings old style is stored in the attributes folder with all the settings used in the model template. You can copy and extract this *.zip file to the attributes folder of another Tekla Structures model or your personal model template to use the relevant settings in it.
What are the options for you in Tekla Structures 2024?
In summary, as a Tekla Structures user, you can do the following:
- Use the new settings provided by Construsoft and further modify/extend these settings if desired.
- In Tekla Structures, automatically convert your old settings to new settings and check all settings from there. The converted settings get the prefix new_.
- Use model template Steeldrawings old style in order to use the old settings or use the *.zip file Steeldrawings old style stored in the attributes folder with all the settings used in the model template and copy and extract this *.zip file to the attributes folder of another Tekla Structures model or your personal model template in order to use the relevant settings in it.
New properties dialog boxes in drawings
In Tekla Structures 2023, you already had new properties dialog boxes in the property pane for several drawing objects in the Drawing Editor:
Click here for the list of object types for which the new properties dialog box is available in Tekla Structures 2023.
Tekla Structures 2024
New properties dialog boxes are now also available in Tekla Structures 2024 for symbols, revision labels, DWG/DXF, images, text files, chamfer edges, drawing links and hyperlinks.
Click here for the complete list of object types and associated file extensions for which the properties dialog box is available in Tekla Structures 2024.
Personal settings
To ensure that your personal settings are appropriate for Tekla Structures 2024, do the following:
1. Copy the personal settings from an earlier Tekla Structures version to Tekla Structures 2024, for example to the TS folder or to your model template.
2. Open Tekla Structures 2024 and select a personal setting from the drop-down list.
3. Check and modify (if needed) the setting(s) and save the setting(s) again.
Click here for detailed information in the Tekla Release Notes about the new property pane in drawings.
Click here for a YouTube video for detailed information.
New custom colors in drawings
In Tekla Structures 2024, you can now define and use an unlimited number of colors in drawings to represent drawing objects. These new options offer more flexibility and possibilities when visualizing drawings.
You can define or edit the colors using the new color palette in the Drawing Editor via File > Editors > Color palette Editor:
...or when you are in the properties of a drawing object: click on the pencil in the upper right corner
By default, several color palettes are already available:
Click here for detailed information about defining colors in drawings in Tekla Structures 2024 in the Tekla Release Notes.
Click here for more information about RAL colors.
Representation of concrete panels in a GA drawing in Tekla Structures 2023 using standard colors for the representation of visible lines and hatches:
Representation of concrete panels in a GA drawing in Tekla Structures 2023 using standard colors for the representation of visible lines and hatches:
Representation of concrete panels in a GA drawing in Tekla Structures 2024 using RGB values for the colors for both the representation of the visible lines as well as the hatches:
The color Special is removed from the drop-down list and the four associated variables have therefore been removed.
This color can now be selected from color palette Concrete colors:
If you have created personal settings in previous Tekla Structures versions, then it is advisable to update them.
In addition, in Tekla Structures 2024 the advanced option XS_BASE_LINE_WIDTH has been set to the value 0.01. In earlier Tekla Structures versions, the advanced option was set to 0.1.
You use the advanced option to define the line width for printed drawings. You enter the value in the Print Drawing dialog box:
The final line thickness in a printed drawing is the value of the advanced option multiplied by the pen thickness from the Print Drawings dialog box. For example, the value 25 results in a thickness of 0,25
Document manager: Adjustment in categories
Tekla Structures 2024 includes a new option to export drawings to DGN files:
Click here for detailed information on exporting drawings to DGN files.
Personal settings
In case you have made changes in earlier Tekla Structures versions to the file DocumentManagerFileDocumentSettings.txt, check the file *.txt in Tekla Structures 2024 with your modified file *.txt and make the necessary changes if required.
You therefore have the new categories DGN files and DWG/DXF files in the Document Manager in Tekla Structures 2024:
Earlier Tekla Structures versions:
If you have recently updated the Construsoft developments (file Construsoft_TS2023_ConstrusoftEuropean.exe) for Tekla Structures 2023, you also have the DGN files and DWG/DXF files categories in Tekla Structures 2023.
Click here for detailed information about creating categories in the Document manager.
Adjusted templates and lay outs
When you open single part and/or assembly drawings in Tekla Structures 2024, it may occur that the following (or similar) message appears, depending on the used layout:
These messages appears because of changes made to some templates and layout files.
We first look at how these templates work.
You have the ability in Tekla Structures to edit parts, such as fit part end and line cut:
In earlier Tekla Structures versions, when you created production drawings (such as single part and assembly drawings) of such parts, the template used in the drawings depended on the applied operations (fit part end and line cut).
If a part has no fit part end and/or line cut, the template part_assembly.tpl is used in the single part drawing:
If a part has a fit part end, the template part_assembly.tpl is also used in the single part drawing:
If a part has a fit part end and line cut, the template part_assembly_lengths.tpl (which shows both gross and net lengths) is used in the single part drawing:
So for single part drawings, two templates were available in earlier Tekla Structures versions, template part_assembly.tpl used when the gross length is less than or equal to the length:
..or template part_assembly_lengths.tpl which is used if the gross length is greater than the length:
So one of the two templates was used, depending on the operations on the part.
In Tekla Structures, these templates are included in the layout file single.lay.
Tekla Structures 2024
In Tekla Structures 2024 the templates part_assembly.tpl and part_assembly_lengths.tpl are combined to one new template part_assembly.tpl.
This template again checks the length of the part (using the operations) which now determines which rows of the template are shown in the single part drawing.
For single part drawings
As a result of these changes, the "old" template part_assembly_lengths.tpl has been removed and its content has been added to the template part_assembly.tpl.
In addition, the "old" template partlist_lengths.tpl has been removed and its content has been added to the template partlist.tpl.
As a result, the layout file single.lay has been modified which only contains the extended templates.
For assembly drawings
As a result of modifications, the "old" template assembly_partlist_finish_chamber.tpl has been removed and its content has been added to the template assembly_partlist_finish.tpl.
As a result, the layout file assembly.lay has been modified to apply the template assembly_partlist_finish.tpl.
Personal templates and layout files
If you have made your own modifications to any of the above templates or to the associated layout files (*.lay files) in earlier Tekla Structures versions, check these to avoid such or similar messages appearing when you open a drawing:
New rounding options in dimension properties
The dimension properties in automatic and manual dimensioning now have three new rounding options: 2,50, 5,00 and 10,00. These new options work only when the unit is mm:
Precision 2,50:
Precision 5,00:
Precision 10,00:
Click here for more information in the Tekla Structures 2024 Release Notes.
Orientation of contour plates in drawings
You have the ability in Tekla Structures to model contour plates. These can be steel but also timber or concrete contour plates such as gallery and balcony slabs.
Contour plates can have any shape. To create a contour plate, click the Plate command in the ribbon:
The shape of the contour plate is determined by the points you pick.
You can, after modeling the contour plate, change the position of the picked points to affect the orientation of the plate with which you also determine the orientation of the plate in drawings. Because you can change the position of the points afterwards, you do not need to model the contour plate again.
By default, for the orientation of contour plates in drawings, the longest side of the plate is used. However, you can also use the first and second picked point of the plate as the major axis in the user-defined attributes of contour plates to affect the orientation of contour plates in drawings.
To define the orientation of a contour plate according to the first and second points you picked:
1. Create a contour plate.
2. Right-click on the plate and select User-defined attributes....
3. Go to the Orientation tab:
4. Select From 1st to 2nd point from the Main axis direction drop-down list.
5. Click Modify and OK.
6. Click Drawings & Reports > Perform numbering > Number modified objects to update the numbering.
To see the orientation of the plate, create a single-part drawing.
In the model:
In the single-part drawing:
User-defined attribute Main axis direction is Automatic (longest side of the plate):
User-defined attribute Main axis direction is From 1st to 2nd point:
In Tekla Structures 2024 (and also in Tekla Structures 2023 SP9), this option is also available for concrete contour plates. To take advantage of this option, update the installation of Tekla Structures 2023 SP9 and/or Tekla Structures 2024.
Tool Drawing View Orientation (ML148)
Besides the use the first and second picked points of the plate as the major axis to affect the orientation of contour plates in drawings, you can also use the tool Drawing View Orientation (ML148):
Click here for detailed information about how to use this tool.
Bolts Between Points (m093)
Tekla Structures already includes the tool Bolts Between Points (m093) some Tekla Structures versions to quickly and easily model bolt groups:
Tekla Structures 2023
Tekla Structures 2024
As you can see in the images above, the user interface in Tekla Structures 2024 has been completely changed. In addition, several improvements have been made to the tool.
As a result, the tool is not definitely compatible with older Tekla Structures versions.
For example, when you open a Tekla Structures model, created in Tekla Structures 2023 and to which you have applied the tool Bolts Between Points (m093), in Tekla Structures 2024, it is advisable to check the relevant applied situations.
This also applies when you may have applied the tool Bolts Between Points (m093) in a custom component so that a so-called "nested" component has been created.
IFC File Operations (ML175)
Tekla Structures 2024 includes the new tool IFC File Operations (ML175) that gives you several options for customizing IFC files such as merging or splitting IFC files.
A practical example of this tool is the following: you often receive large IFC files, which you use as a reference model in Tekla Structures, containing all kinds of objects that you do not need. Think of plumbing, kitchens, furniture and so on. Very large IFC files take a long time to be processed.
Using this tool, you load the IFC file and only select the objects you need. Optionally, you can use a filter for this. Next, the tool creates a new IFC file containing your selected IFC objects. This IFC file then becomes much smaller and therefore faster to process in Tekla Structures.
For detailed information on how the tool works, click on the Help button in the dialog box of the tool IFC File Operations (ML175).