DSTV File Name Modifier
This tool is developed to help Tekla Structures customers to customize NC file names. Default NC files are being created with only Piece Mark whereas some customers would like to have Project Number, Profile and Material in NC file names or perhaps customized texts and separators. It is all possible with this new tool.
You will need to have your CNC files generated in advance from Tekla Structures based on the selected elements from Tekla Structures >> NC File Header Information Window.
For that, Tekla Structures creates .nc1 files for the parts using the defined NC file settings. By default, the NC files are created in the model folder. The filename consists of the position number and extension .nc1.
See below snapshot.
As a note, we are expecting users to have the CNC generated files based on specific selected elements (defined NC file settings) in separate folder.
- For example, if the users has 300 CNC files with 8x attributes (selected elements), and 200 CNC files with 6x attributes or 8x different attributes (selected elements), then the user will need to have two separate folders that contain the CNC exported files.
- User will need to run this tool twice, selecting one folder at a time for the specific CNC files that were exported from Tekla Structures based on the specific selected elements (defined NC file settings)
How does the tool work?
- User will have option to select one or more files from a specific folder using the option “Select multiple CNC, NC files”,
To select ALL CNC, NC files from a specific folder using the option: “Select ALL CNC, NC files in folder”.
- User will need to specify the directory on where to have the renamed files saved in. Either using the option: “Place to the source folder (automatically) “, or to browse for other output directory using the option: “Browse...”
- The tool will automatically read the header information from one of the CNC file exported from Tekla Structures and add\populates the information to the header list of this tool. This way the user will come to know what selected elements from Tekla Structures the CNC files were generated by, and the user will have option to rename the files based on those.
- Our tool will allow the user to rename the CNC/NC files that have by default the position number and extension .nc1 in “BULK” one go, based on new naming that the user wishes to see for every file, and based on the selected header information that is populated in header list. Of course, the tool will allow users to add customized text of choice and also separators (combination of “-“ OR ”_”).
Please note that special characters cannot be used, but you will find that “/” or any other special character will be ignored while renaming the file. The “*” will be replaced with “X”.
2. System requirements
- .NET Framework version: 4.0
- Tekla Structures Version: Does not require Tekla Structures. It is a standalone application.
- Set the size of text and other items on your screen by choosing “smaller-100%(default)” for this, Go to Control Panel >>Appearance and Personalization>>Display
“Rename” button:
This option will create a copy of the selected NC files and gives every selected NC file the new name based on the file name format that user has chosen. Note that entire file will NOT be changed.
File Name Format area – See below snapshot.
Header Name ListBox: Let’s call it as ListBox1. This ListBox is for the Header Name as is being red by default from one of the CNC file(s) you selected to rename. This will make it easier for the user to decide the format of the new name that he/she wishes to give to the NC files.
Selected Header Name ListBox: Let’s call it as ListBox2. This ListBox is for the Selected Header Name by user that he/she wishes to have it in the new name of CNC file. When the user selects any element form the ListBox1, and clicks on “Add” button, the selected element will be added to the ListBox2 to start forming the new name of the CNC file(s).
Add Button: Move a header element from ListBox1 to ListBox2 in order to form the new name of the NC file(s).
Remove Button: Move a selected element from ListBox2 to ListBox1 in case the user is no longer in need to have this selected element forming the new name of CNC file(s).
Move Up Button: Move up a selected header element in ListBox2. This is useful if the user decided to have different name format based on same selected elements in ListBox2
Move Down Button: Move down a selected header element in ListBox2. This is useful if the user decided to have different name format based on same selected elements in ListBox2
“For files contain Bolts, add "BO" to the end of the file name” option:
This is optional. If you would like to mark those CNC files that have “BO” section during the renaming process – then you may enable/check this option before you hit the "Rename" button to allow this tool to determine which CNC files have the "BO" section and give add the “BO” letters at the end of the file name based on the naming convention you chose.
“Rename” button:
This option will create a copy of the selected NC files and gives every selected NC file the new name based on the file name format that user has chosen. Note that entire file will NOT be changed.