Download main versions, latest service packs, and environment installers
Trimble Connect
Trimble Connect
Trimble Connect
Not version-specific
Tekla Tedds
Tekla Tedds for Word
Not version-specific
Tekla Portal Frame Designer
Not version-specific
Tekla Connection Designer
Not version-specific
Tekla Structures
Not version-specific
Tekla Structural Designer
Not version-specific
Tekla PowerFab
Tekla PowerFab GO
- How can I download the main version for my Tekla software product?
- Where can I download the latest installers when I want to upgrade?
- Where can I download the latest service packs for Tekla Structures, Tekla Structural Designer, Tekla Tedds, Tekla PowerFab, or other Tekla products?
- Where can I download the latest environment installers?
- Where can I find all the installation packages?
All installation packages, environment installers, and other additional files that you need to get started with your Tekla product are available at Tekla Downloads. These steps tell you how to use the product-specific wizard for a guided experience. You can also download individual files on the All downloads page for your product.
- Go to the Tekla Downloads service at
- Sign in using your Trimble Identity.
- On the card for your product, click Download.
- To start the product-specific wizard, select the version, then click Download.
- From the License method list, select the licensing method.
- Click Next, then follow the instructions in the product-specific wizard.
- To start the download, click Finish.